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Derrick took the time to read and commit everything to memory. This mission was going to be a shit show from the moment they touched down, and he refused to let anything get in the way of returning home unharmed. He had never had anything to come home to before, but now he had Samantha.

“Damn, you guys know just about everything about this guy down to what fucking color boxers he wears, but you don’t have a fucking name? What the hell?” He was not a spy. He was the muscle, but he was a hell of a lot smarter than most. Something about this felt off. Derrick just couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was.

“Strong, he is a chameleon. Just when we think we have a bead on who and where he is, he changes things up and disappears again. This is the closest we’ve come. We need to take this asshole down now before any more women get hurt.” James slammed his fists on the table. This was the first time Derrick had seen him lose his cool, and it actually made him respect the man a little bit more. He couldn’t trust a man who could see the atrocities that they had witnessed but never feel anything about it.

“I’ll be ready. Before I leave, is there anything else I need to know? I get the feeling there is something you guys are holding back.” Derrick could always read people. It’s what had gotten him through his missions with the SEALs, and something was yelling at him that there was something else going on he didn’t know about.

“You have everything you need to do the job. Bring him back alive. We need information from him.”

Yeah right.“I make no promises. This slime ball is the lowest of the low, and if I get my hands on him...” He walked out of the room. He would not murder someone in cold blood, even the evil they were hunting, but sometimes things happened.

Derrick arrived at home just as pissed off as he’d left the office. He couldn’t wait to find the son of a bitch. He wasn’t excited about leaving Samantha even for a short period of time, but it couldn’t be helped. The more he thought about it, the more he thought the time was coming for him to retire for good and concentrate on the club and his woman.

Derrick went to the kitchen and started pulling out the things he needed to make his mother’s lasagna. Samantha would absolutely love it, and he wanted her to come home to a home-cooked meal. The thought of her calling it home was something he could get used to. In fact, when he got back from Mexico, he would figure out how to make it happen.

After the lasagna was in the oven, he made a salad and set the table. He knew men who thought doing these things were up to the submissive in the relationship, but he loved taking care of her, and she had worked a longer day than he had, so why not?

Once everything was ready, he went downstairs to the security hub to check in. He usually spent his afternoons down there making sure everything was ready for that night in the club whether he planned to be on-site or not. He made sure he was present for the busiest nights, but he had the best team money could buy managing the security, so whether or not he was there made no difference.

Derrick finished his project just as the alarm on his phone let him know it was time to take dinner out of the oven. Samantha would be home soon, and the thought had his dick standing tightly in his boxer briefs.

He went upstairs and pulled the heavy pan out of the oven. His timing was perfect, as Samantha entered, her shoulders hunched, shuffling her feet.

“Something sure smells good. I got a whiff before I even came through the door.” She smiled at him; her eyes wide with surprise.

“I figured you might want something special to eat tonight, since all you ate for lunch was made for rabbits. But I did include a salad with dinner, since you like it so much. Go change and I will meet you at the table.” He turned to the fridge to gather the salad and other things he needed before going back for the lasagna. He put a slice on a plate for each of them and brought them to the table and finally grabbed the bottle of red wine that went perfect with pasta.

By the time he made it back to the table, she was sitting there eyeing her food like a rabid dog, practically salivating on her plate. He wondered why he’d ever worried about her lunch today. She ate like she loved food, digging in with the same gusto she used with him, and it was a huge turn-on.

“This looks amazing. You are a man of many talents.” She took a bite of her pasta before piling salad on her plate.

“You forget I had to take care of myself for a long time. You can’t live off fast food for your entire life, so I taught myself. But, I can’t take credit for the lasagna. It’s Mom’s recipe.”

“Oh, I remember. It was Jennifer’s favorite. I swear she could take on a pan of it all by herself.” Samantha smiled. She didn’t look sad when she talked about Jennifer anymore. It seemed as if it was becoming easier for her as time went by.

“That’s the truth. She could out-eat me any day.” He chuckled.

The conversation continued as they ate. Everything was easy with her. It just seemed to make sense.

“Next Monday, I have to go out of town.” Derrick figured he would tell her now so she had a few days to be ready.

“Really? I hate that.” She frowned.

“Is there something going on I should know about? Are you afraid of me going?” She was the only thing that could hold him back from doing his duty.

“No, nothing like that. Honestly, I will just miss having you around.” She shrugged. “I guess I need to go home anyway. It seems like forever since I spent any real time there.”

“We need to talk about that when I get back from Mexico. But, tonight, I seem to recall being promised something when we were at lunch. What was that again?”

“Mexico? What on earth are you going to do in Mexico?” Her breathing increased, voice rose.

Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that.“You know I can’t tell you. I honestly wish I could, but I just can’t.”

“Will you be in danger?” Her voice dropped to a whisper. This was not how he wanted this night to go.

“You know me. I’m good. But, as I recall, I owe your sassy butt a little reddening.” Her cheeks turned pink in response. Now he had her right where he wanted her.

“Go into the bedroom and remove all of your clothes, every stitch. Then lean over the end of the bed so when I walk in your pretty rosebud is right where I can see my plug waiting for me to remove it and replace it with my cock.” He was playing dirty, but he didn’t care. The conversation had grown too heavy, and they had a night that promised all the filthy things she’d talked about at lunch.
