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When Samantha came to, she was alone again. Her pain remained, but it was at least manageable enough to think straight at the moment. She looked around, but she had trouble seeing through the darkness. She checked out her arm and saw he had done a decent job of splinting it, though, without surgery, she would never have full use of her hand again.

She squinted, trying to make out shapes in the darkness. The quiet was almost worse than the abuse. In the quiet, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from going down a road she didn’t want to think about. Would they do whatever it took to keep her alive so they could keep torturing her? How long could she survive before giving up the fight?

So lost in her thoughts, Samantha didn’t notice Kyle had entered the room until she heard his voice. “Well, well, well. My slave is awake and ready for me. I know you like pain. I had some of my friends watching out for you in the club, and boy, what a show you put on the night we met. Was that for me? Were you hoping I was watching to see just how much you can take? That wannabe Dom has no clue what he’s doing, does he? You can take so much more than he could dish out. Tonight, we’re going to find out just how much.”

It was everything Samantha could do to keep quiet. She needed to keep her wits about her, though it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so.

He reached forward and ripped her shirt from the collar down baring her bra to him. “Oh, what a pretty lace thing all covered with your blood.” He drew his fingers across her bra-covered breasts, causing her to whimper. She pulled at her arms, her right one still shackled to the wall, unable to bear the pain with movement to the left. Kyle reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors before reaching down and cutting the front of her bra, releasing her breasts. “Your tits are as amazing as I knew they would be.” He grabbed the nipple of her right breast and pinched and twisted it with so much force, she screamed, feeling as if he was ripping it off.

“You love that, don’t you?” He leaned forward and licked the tears from her cheek. “This is going to be so much fucking fun.” He took the scissors and continued slicing each leg of her scrub pants from the ankle to the hip before ripping the cloth away from her crotch.

“I knew you would have matching panties. Do you have a thing for lace, my little slut?” He looked up toward her face when she didn’t answer. “I asked you a question, bitch.” He backhanded her with enough force she wondered if her right cheekbone was fractured. Not that it mattered. She just didn’t want Derrick to see her all broken and bloodied. Even though there was nothing he could do, he would never forgive himself for losing her. It was just the man he was.

“So, I’m not exciting enough to keep your attention, slut. We’ll just have to make things more interesting, won’t we?” He opened the scissors and brought the blade against her face. “You think you’re such a pretty little bitch, don’t you? Well, I won’t damage the merchandise I plan to sell later, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun along the way.” He brought the scissors to her stomach and dragged the tip across the front of her panties before ripping them off of her.

“Oh, look, the carpet matches the drapes, I was hoping this wasn’t a dye job.” He reached up and fisted her hair, pulling her head back before bending forward and biting her breast hard enough to break the skin. She yelled out in pain and fear, but she continued to refuse to speak to him.

“Let’s see how wet you are for me, little slut.” He let go of her hair before reaching down and grabbing her pussy with enough force to draw her breath from her. “What the fuck, you little bitch. Am I not pushing you hard enough? You are dry as a bone. Not that it matters. I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget anybody was ever there before me.” He reached for the chains that secured her to the floor.

“I’m going to flip you on your stomach and take that ass with enough force you’re still feeling it next month, and I’m going to do it over and over until I tire of you, then I’ll let John take his turn before turning you out to make some money for me.”

He grabbed her right foot and unlocked it before going to the left. This was her only chance. If she could knock him out, she might be able to unlock her hand and get the hell out of there before he came to. Once her left foot was free, she kicked with everything she had left in her. First, her foot landed on his nuts before kicking him in the face hard enough to hear the satisfying crunch as she made contact with his nose.

“You’re so stupid, you’ll never learn.” He punched her in the stomach several times while she thrashed with her legs. She hoped she would black out before he had the chance to follow through with his threats to rape her. She was at peace with dying, she just hoped Derrick would forgive her. Kyle grabbed her jaw, forcing her gaze to meet his.

“You might not have anything to say right now, but I promise you when I’m finished with you, you won’t be able to shut up.” His grip on her jaw tightened, bringing tears to her eyes yet again. As he tightened, he forced her mouth open before shoving in her panties he had ripped from her body. “For now, I’m tired of hearing you scream, which is a first for me. I love screams.” An evil smile spread across his face.

Kyle’s gaze moved to her stomach, looking at his handiwork no doubt. “Oh, little slut, you bruise so nicely.” He grabbed her right breast and pinched with enough force to cause her to squeak through her gag. “Yes, I love the artwork I’ve created across your skin. By the time you leave here, there won’t be an inch of you left untouched.”

He grabbed her by the hip and flipped her over on her stomach. She landed on her left arm, and she was sure she had worsened the already fractured limb. The pull on her right arm made a popping of her shoulder along with the stabbing pain letting her know it was dislocated. She couldn’t help but wonder if this would ever end, although it would have to. Eventually she’d be dead.

She felt cold air on her back; knowing he was no longer leaning over her, she found herself trying to look over her shoulder. He was standing there removing his clothes as if this was some sort of time with a lover, not the rape of an unwilling woman. Knowing what was going to happen, she couldn’t resist saying so.

He didn’t answer her with words, just a punch to the lower back.Great, if I survive this, I’ll be peeing blood for days.

He stood back up and removed his pants and boxers in one movement, throwing them in a chair in the corner of the room. “Look at that tight ass just waiting for me to loosen it up.” He was on his knees faster than she expected and grabbed her by the hips.

This was it. Nothing would ever be the same.

* * *

“Get your fucking hands off of her, motherfucker.” Derrick grabbed Kyle by the shoulders, ripping him off his beautiful Red. It had seemed to take them forever to find where she was being kept, and from the appearance of the room, she wasn’t the first to be housed there.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Kyle turned around, fist flying through the air toward Derrick who sidestepped it without difficulty. Recognition dawned across his face. “I told you that you would regret the way you treated me. I’m going to fuck your woman right here in front of you; then only after I’ve had my fill will I put you out of your misery with a bullet between the eyes.” Derrick noticed something around Kyle’s wrist, and it wasn’t the watch it first appeared to be. Kyle reached over with his left hand and while stepping out of Derrick’s reach, pushed a button on the band.

“Get the fuck in here now,” Kyle yelled as Derrick stepped forward and punched him in the gut. He then reached up across the back of his head and drove his head into his raised knee.

“You fucking think I wasn’t prepared for that?” Kyle shuffled on his feet, barely able to stay upright. It was then that Derrick got a good look at Samantha. She was lying on her stomach, chained to the wall by her right wrist. Her right arm was at a strange angle. Her left arm was under her body. There were bruises on her back in the shape of a fist.

Derrick saw red as he ran toward the fucker who had hurt his woman. He hit him and drove him to the floor before kneeling over him. He punched him over and over again, thinking of nothing but the need to hurt the fucker who had done this to his woman. He would not leave this cell alive if Derrick had anything to do with it.

Derrick continued to hit over and over again before noticing that his victim had stopped fighting back. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Nothing was going to stop him until he heard the still soft voice.

“Sir?” Samantha’s whispered voice brought him back to the moment.

Derrick was ashamed of himself. His need to punish Kyle had gotten in the way of taking care of his woman. What the hell had he been thinking?

“Go ahead. I’ve got the asshole.” One of the team members put a hand on his shoulder, letting him know he was there.

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