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“That’s good enough for us, and don’t think for a second we wouldn’t do anything to help protect Samantha. She is one of ours. Tell us what you need, and we will make it happen. Besides, she might need medical help, and, if she does, you will be glad you let us come.” Matthew continued to be the voice of reason.

“I get that, but you guys need to hang back and let us do what we do. It will be hard enough for me knowing it is my Red we’re trying to free without worrying about making sure you guys don’t get hurt.” They were like brothers to him, and he needed to make sure they came out of the situation in one piece. Hell, Lainie would castrate him with her bare hands if something happened to Matthew, of that he had no doubt.

“Matthew, does your woman know what you’re doing?” Not that it would stop him, but he was curious.

“Of course she does. She may be my submissive, but Samantha is her friend and she would be here herself if she could. In fact, it took everything in my arsenal to keep her from following me. That woman is sneaky as hell.” He grinned whenever he talked about his fiancée. Derrick only hoped he would one day have the opportunity to have the same stupid smile on his own face when talking about his woman.

“Your woman is a badass, that’s for sure,” Jake piped in from the back seat. Only Alex remained quiet, ever the stoic one.

“Alex, do you have anything to add?” Derrick figured he knew how Alex would respond but waited anyway.

“Just taking it all in. I was thinking if the other house had tunnels and escape passages, then it’s likely this one does. You need to figure out where the escape passage ends and leave someone there to catch the fuckwad if he should get away or see us coming.” Alex was nothing if not strategic. Derrick often thought he was wasted as a surgeon. He should have gone into law enforcement.

Derrick slowed and pulled into a strip mall parking lot and the SUV followed. After telling the other men to stay put, he got out and walked over to the SUV to talk with the rest of the team. Once a plan was in place, he returned to the driver’s seat. “We’ll have the exits covered and three operatives entering with me. I need you guys to hang back and be ready to get her to safety once we find her. I know she is one of our subs, but you need to let the trained men deal with the shitheads.”

“We won’t do anything to jeopardize her safety.” Matthew placed his hand on Derrick’s shoulder and squeezed.

When they pulled up to the end of the driveway, Derrick took in his surroundings. The long driveway covered in trees made it impossible to see the house at the end. The distance would make it nearly impossible to approach without being seen, and he didn’t have time to devise a plan to change that, so the element of surprise was out. He could only hope his team was up to par and would be able to handle any goons Kyle may have surrounded himself with. He would handle Kyle, and he’d better hope Samantha was unharmed, or the asshat wouldn’t survive the night.


This was the day she was going to die. She was certain of it. She wouldn’t stop fighting the man who had taken her, and he would eventually have enough. Once that happened, he would have no reason to keep her around. She vowed she would never give in or give up. She owed it to herself and Derrick to fight to the bitter end no matter what that meant, but even as she had the thought, she wondered how much fight she had left.

Her left arm was bent in an unnatural way and had become numb while she was out. The doctor in her knew this wasn’t a good sign. If she survived, she would have a hell of a time healing from a broken bone set wrong.

“You might as well open your eyes. I know you’re awake.”

She felt the sharp pain in her right side from what she figured was his boot taking her breath away. She opened her eyes and looked him straight in the eye. She refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing the pain was becoming too much.

“Well, you think you are a badass, don’t you? The first thing you need to learn is you are not to look me in the eye. I am your master. That means you will submit to me whether you like it or not. I will take you anytime I please, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

Samantha felt a tear attempting to escape, but she refused to allow it to happen. “I submit to one man, and you are not him.” She knew as the words flew out of her mouth, she would regret it, but she couldn’t help herself. This asshole may force her body to do what he wanted but never her spirit.

“We’ll just see about that.” He slapped her across the mouth again, smiling. He would get great joy out of breaking her. “Today I’m gonna fuck you in the ass, and I will enjoy every moment, though I can’t say the same for you.”

“Sir, the doctor’s here,” she heard from outside of her cell.

“Perfect, send him in,” he said before turning back to her. He brought some chains and attached them around her ankles. “We’re gonna get that arm wrapped. It’s not looking so good, and I can’t have you die on me before I’ve had a chance to have my fun.” He laughed to himself as if she wasn’t lying there in front of him chained to the wall like a rabid dog.

“Ahh, I see you’ve already broken your new toy. You promised me a shot at her before you send her off, so don’t kill her before I get the chance.” John Michaels walked into the room as if he owned the place.

Before Samantha could register what was happening, Kyle was off of her and had his hands wrapped around John’s throat.

“Who in the hell do you think you are? Just because our fathers are friends, don’t think for one second you have any say on what happens in my home with my slave. You’re fucking lucky I don’t slit your damn throat where you stand.”

Samantha was able to pull her head up enough to see John’s face turning red as he dropped the bag he was holding and fought to get free.Serves the asshole right.

Just when she thought he would pass out, Kyle dropped him, and he landed in a heap on the floor. “Get your act together and wrap her damn arm before I break something of yours,” he said before turning to Samantha. “I will be back, and nothing will stop me from taking what is mine.” He left, leaving John struggling for breath on the floor. Even through her pain, she couldn’t help smiling.

“Bitch, I’m sure you enjoyed that, but it’s the last thing you’re gonna enjoy in your life.” He reached up and took her left arm from its bindings, pulling it down with a force that caused enough pain she almost blacked out. In fact, it took everything in her to stay alert to what was happening. It would be the only chance she had of surviving, even though she knew her chances were as thin as paper.

“What happened to you? Why would you help this monster?” she mumbled. Sure, he wasn’t the perfect doctor by a long shot, but still she had to wonder why he would resort to this.

“Not that you matter, or will even probably live through the week, but our fathers are friends. We grew up around each other,” he said as if that explained the fucked-up situation. She waited for him to continue, but he remained silent as he straightened out her forearm with a force that had her stomach rolling, and she barely had enough time to turn her head before starting to heave. The bile that came up reminded her she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for a while, but she had no clue how much time had passed with her out on the floor.

“Why are you even bothering to try to set my arm anyway? If the plan is to abuse me until he is tired of me, it makes no sense to try to heal me.” She couldn’t figure these guys out.

“Not that I owe you an explanation, but if you can’t survive long enough to make it out of here to earn him some money, then it was a waste to take you in the first place. You will make it. I will make sure of it.” He pulled on her arm again, she couldn’t fight it any longer, and the blackness overtook her.
