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“How is she doing?” Derrick looked up to see Matthew entering. His friends had been in to check on her daily since her admission. Samantha didn’t have any clue how much she was cared about. Her friends had been there so long that he’d had to practically kick them out several times over the past week.I should probably call the ladies to let them know she’s awake.

“She is finally getting some real rest. I know that sounds crazy as she just woke up today, but she looks peaceful for the first time since we found her in that hellhole.” Derrick tried to rub the tension out of his neck. She was here safe with him, and nothing else mattered. Well, and one thing, finding the fucker who was still out there on the run.

“It’s not crazy. Sleep and rest aren’t the same thing, as I am sure you are well aware. In fact, when was the last time you got any rest? You and I both know you aren’t getting any in that chair.”

“I’ve slept in far worse places than this cushy chair in an air-conditioned hospital,” Derrick grumbled. Sure, the chair was far from comfortable, but he had his Red, far more important than his comfort.

“You aren’t at war, my friend. You have resources here to help you take care of her. Hell. You both have friends. When she goes home, you are going to have to accept some help. You aren’t an island unto yourself anymore, do you get that?”

“I can take care of her.” Derrick didn’t like the idea of someone else taking care of his sub. He was more than capable of seeing to her needs.

“You’re a stubborn ass, you know that?” Matthew rounded the bed putting his hand on Derrick’s shoulder. “Just try to keep us away and see how that works out for you.” He bumped his friend on the shoulder before turning and leaving the room without further discussion.

The sound of her cardiac monitor lulled him to sleep, and he was unsure of how much time had passed when he heard people coming into her room. Since she was awake, they seemed to have relaxed somewhat on the two-visitor rule, or maybe it was because they didn’t count him as a visitor anymore. He had become simply a part of the surroundings.

He looked up, not at all surprised to see Lainie and Bridget walking through the door with several bags in their hands.

“Well, the mountain man lives,” Bridget laughed as she came through the door ahead of her friend.

Derrick rubbed his chin and the beard that had started to grow in the past week. He couldn’t recall the last time he had facial hair, always preferring to keep his face clean-shaven, likely related to his time working for Uncle Sam.

“Yes, I mean you. Dude, I can almost smell you from over here. I don’t know how to say this any nicer, but you need a bath.” She waved her hand in front of her nose while she smiled at him. That woman may be a submissive, but she sure knew how to put a man in his place.

“Seriously rude much, Bridge?” Lainie rounded the bed and put the bags she was hauling on the table by the window before returning to give Derrick a hug.

“You’re brave getting that close.” Bridget laughed and blew a kiss to Derrick.

“How does Jack keep up with you, that’s the mystery of the ages.” Derrick was grateful Samantha had these women in her life. No, he didn’t really want to share her with anyone right now, but if he must, then these ladies would fit the bill.

“No mystery at all. I’m awesome, and he is a lucky, lucky man.” Behind her smile a sadness lingered in her eyes. His instincts told him something was going on, but now was not the time to try to address it.

“Now, Derrick, we have a bit of a bone to pick with you, sir.” Lainie pointed her finger at him. “I heard our dear friend was awake today, and you didn’t call me. What do you have to say for yourself?” Her words may have been light and playful, but the emotion behind them was certainly not.

“She had a rough morning. I was going to call after she got a little rest, I promise.” He placed his hand over his heart and tried to look as apologetic as he could, though he wasn’t used to having to try so hard.

“Rest? She has done nothing but sleep for a week, and you didn’t call us because she needed rest? Seriously, that’s your story?” Bridget crossed her arms with a huff.

“Bridget, calm down. He was looking out for his sub. You can’t fault him for that.” Lainie remained always the voice of reason within their friendship.

“Like hell I can’t. He should have called us. We’ve been worried about her, too,” she huffed and threw herself in a chair across the room from where he was sitting.

Samantha stirred. It was too much to wish that the meds kept her comfortable enough to sleep through the tornado that was Bridget West.

“What’s going on?” she asked as she opened her eyes.

“Hey, Ladybug.” Bridget stood and walked to her bedside. “How’s it going?” Her voice softened.

“Well, nothing but a party here? What about with you?” Samantha turned her attention to Lainie. “Sorry I missed our date.” A single tear fell down her face. Ripping Derrick’s still-beating heart from his chest would have hurt him less than seeing her sadness.

“Girl, no need for sorry. You will make it up to me, I have no doubt.” She stroked Samantha’s cheek, wiping away the track the tear had taken.

“Okay, dude, it’s time for you to take a hike so we can have some girl time.” Bridget looked at Derrick. “Which would be a perfect excuse for you to go home and bathe. See? Win-win.” She winked at him.

“I’m not sure what you ladies have in mind, but I’m not going anywhere, so your plans need to include me sitting right here.”

“Derrick.” Lainie’s voice was soft, kind. “You haven’t left her bedside, not once. If she were here, my mother would have some advice for you, but since she isn’t, I’ll share it with you myself. You absolutely cannot take care of anyone else if you aren’t taking care of yourself. To put it in terms a soldier like you could understand, if the plane is going down, who do you put the mask on first? Yourself. Then you can help the people around you.”

Dammit. She has a point. Women and their mom’s advice.
