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“What in the ever-loving hell is wrong with that man?” Lainie shook her head.

“I don’t think he cares at all anymore. We haven’t been to the club since before everything happened. I think he keeps me around only because he feels guilty for everything.” She felt the tears start to fall without being able to stop them. “Maybe I just need to end things now before I break any more than I already have.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” Bridget threw her arms around her. “That man is crazy in love with you. You have to know that.”

“He hasn’t touched me. He doesn’t stay with me. He comes over to visit then returns home alone. Before everything happened, he couldn’t keep his hands off me, now he avoids touching me at all costs. I’m damaged goods now. I love him, but I need more.” It was time to let go. What had made their relationship work in the first place was that they gave each other what they needed. “Do you guys think he could be getting some from someone else, ’cause he sure as hell isn’t trying to get some from me.”

“Crazy talk. I know what it looks like when a man cheats, and that sure as hell isn’t Derrick.” A brief moment of sadness flashed across Bridget’s eyes, but it was gone so quickly Samantha wasn’t completely sure she had seen it in the first place.

“Bridget, is there something going on that we don’t know about?” Too many things had been said for Samantha to doubt herself. Something was definitely wrong with Bridget, whether or not she wanted to admit it.

“Nope, all is well. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Besides, this is about you and that hardheaded Dom of yours.”

“I don’t think you can call someone my Dom when he hasn’t so much as touched me in two months.” And that fact hurt her more than she would admit.

“I think it’s time to make him see what he’s missing, don’t you?” Bridget grinned at her and winked.

“Why is it I have the feeling you are about to make some mischief?” Lainie sat in the chair across from them, always at the ready to make sure her friends were taken care of.

“Probably because you know her so well,” Samantha laughed. It was the first time in weeks she had truly let go. The soreness in her abdomen had faded, and PT had given her back her strength and range of motion in her arm. It was time to get back to living with or without Derrick. Even if the thought of living without him would break her heart.

“What are you thinking about, Lainie?” she asked, likely to regret it.

“I say it’s time for him to earn you. For whatever reason, he seems to be avoiding topping you—”

“Top me? Hell, at this point I would settle for a little vanilla loving. He is avoiding me completely. I don’t think he’s attracted to me anymore. Maybe he just sees me as a victim.” She shrugged, trying to keep her emotions under control.

“I don’t think so. He sees you as hurt because of his choices. He is a man, a protector, and a Dom. They are all about making you safe. He wasn’t able to do that. I know how hard everything has been on you, but think about how the Dom in him felt.” Why did Lainie always have to be the voice of freaking reason?

“Well, I think she needs to show the stubborn man that she didn’t die. She is alive and well, and if he isn’t willing or able to give her what she needs, then there are others who can.” Bridget couldn’t possibly be suggesting that she find another Dom, could she?

“What are you going on about? I don’t want others. I just want him.” She could feel the whine in her own voice but didn’t care enough to try to stop it.

“Duh. I’m not suggesting you dump his ass for someone else. I am, however, thinking you could let him see what could happen if he continues to ignore what both of you need.”

They spent the next several hours plotting the upcoming weekend. Though Samantha felt a little guilty, there was no going back.

It was difficult to keep anything from Derrick, but for the plan to work, he couldn’t suspect anything. When Saturday morning came, she texted him she had made plans with the girls and wouldn’t be going out with him. Then she headed to meet the girls to do a little shopping. If she was going to do this, she was going all the way.

When she got into her car, her phone alerted her to an incoming text.How about we get together after you’re finished with your friends?He had no idea what she was planning.

After pulling up to the fetish shop, she called Bridget who answered right away. “Hey, Sammy, where are you? You need to get your ass in here so we can shop.” That answered her question.

“I’m right outside. See you in a sec.” She was feeling a little giddy. Tonight was going to be amazing.

Once inside the shop, she saw Jasmine behind the register. Derrick and Jasmine were friends at the club. This wasn’t good.

“Hi, Jasmine.” She waved.

“Don’t you look a little like the cat who ate the canary.” Jasmine giggled. “Don’t worry, Bridget told me what’s been going on and what you all are up to. I won’t say anything. In fact, I can’t wait to watch this all go down.” She continued to laugh. “Let’s get you outfitted for the seduction.”

* * *

Derrick found himself with nothing to do on a Saturday night, and that didn’t sit well. In fact, things hadn’t been right since Samantha’s kidnapping, but he couldn’t quite figure out what to do. He was sitting in his apartment thinking about it when his phone rang.

“This is Derrick,” he answered without bothering to check out the caller ID.

“Hey, man, this is Matthew. You might want to get your ass down to the club.” He spoke quickly making Derrick wonder what could possibly be happening.

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