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“She’s going to have to file a statement. We can do that here when she is up to it if she wants to.”

“She’s in surgery at the moment. Once she’s ready, I’ll give you a call.”

“You know where to find me. I’ll get this trash out of here.” He yanked on John’s arms and dragged him from the room.

Derrick paced the room for what felt like forever, but in reality was two hours before Ian walked in.

“How is she?” Derrick asked, almost afraid to hear his response.

“She did well. We were able to close the wound without any further complications. She did, however, lose quite a bit of blood, so we gave her another transfusion in surgery. She’s in the recovery room, and, once she is stable enough, they will bring her to this room. I don’t think she will need to go back to the ICU. Your woman is one tough cookie.” Ian stepped forward and hugged him. “Ladies.” Ian nodded at the women who had been waiting, worried about their friend. “She’s going to be fine.”

They stood around talking for a few more moments then Ian left to check on Samantha again before leaving. Derrick owed his friend everything for the way he had taken care of his woman.

When they wheeled Samantha back into the room, she was sleeping, and Derrick wanted to let her remain that way for as long as she needed, so he and the other women stepped out into the hallway.

“Thank you so much. Samantha is lucky to have you guys.”

“Hell, you’re lucky to have us.” Bridget stepped forward and brought Derrick into a tight hug. “We’re going to help you take care of her, so you might as well get used to it.” She pulled herself to her toes and kissed him on the cheek before stepping back.

“Derrick, let us help. You need to be her Dom. Let me be her nurse once she goes home.” Lainie made sense.

“We’ll figure everything out before she is discharged. In the meantime, why don’t you guys get out of here. I’ll make sure she is okay.”

Before the ladies walked away, Lainie turned back to him. “By the way, your dinner looked too good to waste. I put it in the fridge in the nurses’ break room. Just ask them, and they will heat it for you.”

Of course, she was looking out for them. She lived her life always taking care of others. It was what made her a great nurse, he was sure.

After the ladies left, Derrick sat down and thought about what his future held. If he had wavered at all about his decision to officially retire from government service, this had made it clear that was no longer the case. He would hand in his notice as soon as he knew Samantha was stable. He would devote his time to her and the club.

As Samantha started to stir, her eyes fluttered open reminding him of a butterfly’s wings. “Please tell me you brought the carbonara and I wasn’t just dreaming it.” Her voice was scratchy as if she had swallowed a Brillo pad.

“After the day you’ve had, you’re asking about carbonara?” Of course she was.

“I’m pretty damn hungry, and your food is like the nectar of the gods, so yes, I’m asking about food.” Before he could answer, a nurse walked into the room.

“Now, Dr. Gardner, I know you’re hungry, but you’re going to have to wait to eat. You just had major abdominal surgery. You’re back on liquids for a while.” Her voice was sweet but stern.

“Fuck,” she mumbled.

“I promise I will feed you all you can handle when I get you home, but, for now, you have to listen to what the nurse is telling you.” He leaned forward before whispering in her ear. “Or will I have to punish you?” He kissed her temple then sat back in his chair.

“As if,” she mumbled and looked at the nurse. “Whatever you say,” she said. “I’m going back to sleep. Wake me up when I can eat.”


The following weeks passed quickly, Samantha wanting nothing more than to get back to normal, whatever that was. Her life revolved around physical therapy and trips to the courthouse, but finally she was regaining the strength in her left arm.

The trafficking ring had been dismantled by Derrick and his team, and everyone was surprised by just how high it went. Kyle’s father had not only been getting his son out of trouble but was involved as well. Derrick was busy during the days, and when she saw him in the evenings, he treated her like a fragile doll.

“Hey, Sammy, how’s it hanging?” She looked up to see Bridget and Lainie coming through her front door.

“Knock much, Bridge?” Bridget didn’t have boundaries and didn’t accept them in anyone else, either.

“Who needs to knock with family?” She plopped down on the couch next to her. “When are you going back to Derrick’s? Haven’t seen you around there in forever.”

She hadn’t been back to Derrick’s since the abduction. He came over to her house every evening, and they ate dinner together. They went out on dates, but he always returned her to her doorstep with a polite kiss good night.

“I’m starting to think that’s never going to happen.” She was sulking.
