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“Oh, you don’t know—” Bridget knew something, and she needed to spill it.

“What do you know, Bridget?”

Lainie was studying the floor. Were they both behind this, whatever it was?

“You know subbies talk, right?”

Samantha nodded, trying to keep Bridget talking.

“Well, rumor has it a certain Dom put the kibosh on your plans to play with other Doms in the club.”

“The way I heard it, he let everyone know you are his, and if they want to keep their body parts intact, they need to stay far away from you. We thought maybe you two had worked out your shit since the other night and decided to be together.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Samantha shouted. There was no way on earth Derrick would do what the ladies claimed.

“Like I said, subbies talk.” Bridget wasn’t even looking her in the eyes.

“Are you two saying Derrick told the others to avoid me or else?” She was at a loss to understand what in the hell he could have been thinking. She had not even spoken to him since storming out of the club the other night. There was no mistaking she was pissed at him, and they were in no way an item.

“That’s the way we heard it, though when I asked Matthew, he wasn’t very forthcoming and trying to get him to talk only ended up with me over his knee.” Lainie winked at her.

“Where is the son of a bitch tonight? I need to have a word with him. He needs to fix this shit and now.” She stood to search the club for the Dom in question and ran headfirst into a rock-hard chest.

“Ladies, would you like to explain what the ruckus is about? Lainie, I asked you to sit here calmly until I got back, yet here you are in the middle of something. What is going on?”

Samantha brought her gaze up slowly, feeling the heat in her face. She could only imagine how red her cheeks were as Matthew glared down at her.

“Well, Sir, it seems there is a little bit of a situation, but nothing we can’t handle.” Lainie eyed the floor while she tried to protect her new friend. It touched Samantha’s heart enough to almost calm her from her murderous intent.

“Little one, that is not what I asked you, and you know it.” He focused on Samantha who had not thought to step back yet. “Samantha, would you like to tell me why you look like you are ready to kill someone?”

“Well, Sir Matthew, it seems a certain friend of yours has overstepped his bounds and is keeping me from playing tonight. So, I thought I would go find him and have a much-needed conversation about what is and is not acceptable.” Maybe, if she kept the cussing to a minimum, she wouldn’t be kicked out of the club for threatening one of the owners, even if he did deserve it.

“That is going to be tough, Samantha, as he is out of town at the moment, though I would love to see it. I don’t know what is going on with the two of you, but I hope I get to watch the scene because it will be explosive when you submit to him.” He lifted his left eyebrow as if daring her to argue with him, and while the submissive in her wanted nothing more than to give in to him, the woman was still pissed the fuck off.

“What do you mean he’s out of town? Isn’t he the head of security? He should be here.” She didn’t know if she was talking to Matthew or herself at this point, only that she was coming off a shitty week and would leave the club unsatisfied yet again. And, again, it was Derrick’s fault. This was becoming a pattern she couldn’t live with.

“He was called away. I’m not sure when he’ll be back, but I will be sure to let him know you’re looking for him.” He smiled and patted her shoulder. From anyone else, she might think of it as a condescending gesture but not from Matthew. It was just who he was.

“Can you tell the other Doms I am most certainly not off the market and am free to play tonight?” She knew the answer before the words escaped her. He wouldn’t go behind Derrick’s back. The owners here were nothing if not fair to all concerned, dammit.

“Now, Samantha, you know I can’t do that. Would you like to set up a meeting when Derrick gets back? I would be happy to oversee it if you would like me to.” He would, but what good would come of it?

“No thank you. I’ll deal with this situation myself.” She turned and sat back down. She wouldn’t be playing tonight, and she couldn’t go on like this. If the Dominant asshole didn’t get over himself and soon, she would have to think about finding somewhere else to play.


Derrick fell into bed in utter exhaustion. This trip had taken so much out of him it made him wonder how much longer he could remain on Uncle Sam’s part-time payroll. Sex traffickers were the lowest of the low, and their operating on US soil made him physically ill. Even worse, he and the men got so close to shutting them down this time, only to fail at the last minute. They were like the fucking hydra. Every time the team thought they were cutting off the head, he swore two grew back.

He told his team leader this would be his last year being on call for the alphabet agencies. He’d earned his retirement and had the scars to prove it. He wanted to do his job in the club and enjoy his time in Texas. Was that too much to ask?

He pulled out his cell for the first time in over a week. When he went dark, his personal cell went off, period. His smile grew from ear to ear when he read the texts received the previous weekend. It seemed a certain little subbie was upset with him, though he’d like to find out who told her about his directive and string them up by the ball sac. He’d wanted to be there to see her face when she realized she would have to come to him if she wanted release.

He’d been thinking about her nonstop since seeing her through his screen almost having a scene with the douche nozzle. Not going to happen on his watch, not if he had anything he could do about it, and he would make sure he did. There were some benefits to becoming one of the owners besides the on-site apartment.

After sleeping for several hours, he got up to take a long hot shower. One of the downfalls of going undercover, there was never a hot shower when he needed one. Those rat holes he stayed in had next to no water pressure, nothing like the luxury the owners had put into every corner of this club, especially the living spaces. He was grateful his living space was separated from the main club. Sure it would take a criminal mastermind to get past the security he’d put in place between the club level and second floor where the other owners all had large units, but he enjoyed feeling like when he was home, he was home, even if he was simply above the security hub.

As he showered, his thoughts drifted to the beautiful redhead who was never very far from his mind. Did he feel this way because she had been his sister’s childhood friend who he had carried a torch for, or would he have felt this insane attraction if he had just met her? Either way, it was a problem because he’d never considered settling down, and now the thought of playing with anyone else didn’t appeal to him. How pissed off was she when she realized nobody would cross him? He knew how to take out his adversaries, and they would never be found.
