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He could have stayed in the shower all day, but he needed to get to the security hub. It had been too long, and he didn’t like not knowing what was going on. He also had the final say on every application and was sure to have a pile waiting on him.

Entering his office, he found his calm. He loved this part of his job. He could make decisions based on facts without emotion getting in the way. He could turn everything else off and just weed through the information. Surprising how many former members he’d turned away. The doctors weren’t equipped to handle the security needs of a club like this.

His team had been busy in his absence, so he had around twenty applications to approve or deny. His right-hand man, Paul, had done all of the background work and left the reports on his desk along with his suggestions.

After he went through the files and sent the appropriate emails, Derrick’s mind wandered to another application he had denied prior to the re-opening. Kyle McAllister was a rich asshole who didn’t make the cut. He had spent a lot of money hiring people to cover up his dirty deeds, but they weren’t as good as the system Derrick set up. He would be damned if he would let an abusive asshat into his club with his woman.Wait, where in the hell did that come from?

Before he could delve too much into his thoughts about Samantha, his desk phone rang. “This is Derrick.” He didn’t need to tell them where they were calling. If they managed to get to him, then they had to do so deliberately.

“Listen, you asshole, just who in the hell do you think you are?” Speaking of the fiery redhead, she was on the line.

“You might want to change your attitude before you speak again, Red. I understand you aren’t happy, but that is no excuse to be rude.” He fought to keep the smile out of his voice. She gave new meaning to hot-tempered redhead, but when she finally submitted to him, she would be magnificent.

“You might want to take your attitude and shove it up your ass.” Did she even take a breath during her tirade?

“Last warning, Red. You’re really lucky this was over the phone because, if we were in the same room, you’d be over my lap, and I would be turning your ass as red as your beautiful hair.” He felt his cock harden at the thought.

“You won’t get anywhere near my ass. Call off your dogs. You have cock blocked me twice now, and I won’t accept a third time. And, by the way, my name is Samantha, not Red. Just because we knew each other when we were young doesn’t mean you know anything about me now. Fix this shit, or you will have to deal with me. I may be a submissive, but I am not your submissive. Don’t chase me out of my club.” The growl in her voice was evident even through the phone.

“I have no intention of trying to chase you from my club, Red. I do, however, intend to show you exactly what you need, what I’m sure you have been looking for in lesser men and have yet to receive.” He wasn’t sure when he’d made the decision, but she was going to be his.

“Cocky much?” Her voice had calmed, at least that much was good.

“Nope. I just know how things are going to go. How about we take some time to get to know each other again outside of the club. Can you meet for dinner tonight? We can talk, and, if you’re a good girl, I may just be able to give you a taste of what you have been longing for.” A perfect plan. He would cook for her and end the night giving her a little spanking. This would work out nicely.

“I called to cuss you out, and you’re inviting me to dinner. Are you insane? If so, I have some doctor friends I may be able to refer you to.” Of course, she wouldn’t make it easy on him.

“What could it hurt? You have something you want, and I’m capable of giving it to you, unless you talk a big game and really don’t want to find the right Dom to submit to.” The Samantha he remembered could never back down from a challenge.

“If it doesn’t go well, you have to call off your dogs and let me play in peace. If you don’t, I will find somewhere else to go. I don’t want to leave, but I will. Do we have a deal?”

She would play at one of the sub-par clubs in the city over his dead body. He worked hard to maintain security, in part to make sure she was safe, and he would be damned if he let her go. “Meet me at the building behind the club. If I’m not outside when you get there, just hit the buzzer, and I’ll be right down. See you at seven.” He hung up before she could respond and manage to piss him off even more. The thought of her going somewhere else made him crazy. Now he needed to get to work making sure tonight would work out just the way he needed it to. The alternative was simply not an option.

* * *

Samantha couldn’t believe she had agreed to meet Derrick for dinner. What was she thinking? That was the problem. She wasn’t. She had been feeling, something she avoided at all costs. Now she had to deal with Derrick so she could get things back to normal, whatever that was. She didn’t want a relationship, no matter what Derrick had to say about it. What she didn’t understand was, since every submissive in the club knew he didn’t want a long-term sub, what was he doing with her? Was this some kind of game to him? The boy she knew would never have done something like that, but she knew very little about the man he was now.

She took a deep, calming breath and blew it out, reaching forward to hit the buzzer before she had a chance to talk herself out of it. The door opened within a minute to reveal Derrick, striking hazel eyes staring down at her. He was going to be dangerous to her sanity.

“I’m glad to see you were on time, Little Red. I would have hated to start our night out with a punishment. I wanted us to have time to talk before I got to play with that pretty little ass. His smirk made her question whether she had just stepped into the Twilight Zone.

“I’m here so we can clear up a few things then get on with our lives.” Even as she said the words, she wasn’t convinced she meant them.

“I thought we could eat and talk. It’s been years, and I want to know how you’ve been. Then we can move on to the fun part of the evening if you still want to.” His eyes had turned serious, making her heart flutter a little in her chest.Dammit.

“I will agree to dinner, but I reserve judgment about what happens later.” This was a mistake, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop.

“Fair enough.” He turned away without watching to see if she followed and headed to the stairs at the end of the hall. She trailed him to the second floor, mesmerized. She expected more office space, but they entered an apartment. The word did little to describe the luxurious open floor plan.

She wasn’t sure what she’d thought about how he lived, but this was not it. Just like the club, all the finishes were high-end. “You like?” he asked. Of course she liked. His home was immaculate. That didn’t surprise her. He was controlled in everything he did. His time in the military must have impacted how he lived from day to day.

“What’s not to like? This place is amazing.”

He placed his hand at the small of her back and led her to a kitchen any gourmet would be proud to work in.

“I didn’t know you could cook.” She was honestly surprised by the delicious aroma coming from the stove.

“There is a lot you don’t know about me, but tonight we have a chance to fix that.” He motioned her toward a high-backed stool at the island. “I was thinking we could just eat in here tonight.”

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