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“Fine,” she said as he handed her a glass of Pinot Noir. “What smells so divine in here anyway?” Her stomach growled.

“I made pasta carbonara with chicken. It’s my mom’s recipe.” His gaze shifted, and he seemed miles away.

“I remember. Jenn couldn’t get enough of it. But, then again if it was pasta, she would devour it.” Lately, Jenn was on her mind more than ever, Derrick’s reappearance in her life likely the trigger.

“She loved it. I was thinking about her today.” He turned back to the oven and pulled out a loaf of garlic bread, making his way around the kitchen with ease. If it was possible, it made him even sexier.

Once he had everything prepared, he brought them each a plate and set them on the island before grabbing his glass and the bottle of wine. He sat next to her and turned his chair so he was facing her. He lifted his glass in her direction. “Salud.” He tipped his glass, waiting for her to sip before taking a drink himself.

They ate the delicious dinner while talking about their shared past. It was easier to chat with him like this than the Dominant Derrick she’d met in the club. They spent a great deal of time on the subject of Jenn and how much they both missed her.

“You left right after the funeral,” she whispered. Him leaving had broken her heart in ways she didn’t understand. First, she lost her best friend and then the boy of her dreams who held her while she cried at his sister’s grave site before leaving the next morning. She’d never laid eyes on him again until the other night.

“I know.”

“I lost Jenn then I lost you. I was only your little sister’s best friend to you, but I felt like I lost my entire world.” The tears flowed down her face unchecked. She hadn’t cried since the morning she woke up and realized they were both gone. It didn’t help when her mother claimed it was what she deserved for “thinking too highly of yourself.” The remainder of her high school years were nothing more than passing time in order to get out of there.

“I couldn’t stay. Not only was I due at boot camp, but everywhere I looked I saw Jenn. I know it sounds wimpy, but it’s true. I thought of you often through the years, hoped you were happy. When I saw you in the club kneeling before another Dom, you took my breath away. I wanted you to kneel for me. I was jealous of the asshole and wanted to hurt him. I wasn’t used to feeling that way.” He put his hand on her knee and squeezed.

“What are you talking about? I tried to set up a scene, and you got in the way.”

“I mean in the old club. I came to help out after what happened with Lainie, and I saw you there.”

“I didn’t know you were there.”

“I didn’t want you to because I had to leave again right away. By then I had a reputation. I’m a little surprised you hadn’t heard the rumors about me.” He chuckled. If it were anyone else, she would have accused him of having a big head, but after talking with the ladies in the club, she believed him.

“What changed? I need to be able to de-stress. If you can’t handle that, then we need to come up with a solution. If I have to find somewhere else to go, honestly it will not make me happy, but I will. I’m not trying to be bratty here, but my needs and my stress levels are through the roof.”

“First of all, I am no longer on active duty. I’m here for the long haul, and you’ll leave this club over my dead body. The other locations you might consider are not safe for you. I can’t stand the thought of you having sex with another Dominant, hell with any other man.” He pulled his hands up placing them on either side of her face and drew her forward until they were an inch apart. Her breath caught for a second before he closed the gap and kissed her.

* * *

Fireworks. His mom had always told him when he found his one, he would know, and he believed her. In fact, if he was being honest with himself, he knew when he was nothing more than a kid barely old enough to shave that he had found her.

He leaned in, deepening the kiss. Samantha seemed to want this as much as he did. She gave as good as she got, and it couldn’t please him more. He never saw himself with a meek woman. Yes, he was a Dominant and wanted a submissive in bed. He would also always protect what was his whether she wanted it or not. However, in every other part of their lives, he wanted a woman who would stand up to him if needed.

He didn’t want to end the kiss, but when he finally pulled back, both of them were panting. She was just as affected as he. Damn, his cock hardened behind his zipper in an almost painful way. Her face flushed, and she was having a difficult time catching her breath.

“Little Red, I’m just going to lay it all on the line with you right now. I fell for you as a young man, and that has never changed. I never told you because you were always off-limits. In high school, Jenn knew I had the hots for you and told me in no uncertain terms I was not allowed to do anything about it. She was afraid I’d hurt you. If she only knew what I really wanted to do to you, she would have kicked my ass.”

“Jenn was funny. I never actually told her about my mad crush on you, but it wasn’t like I could hide it. You were so adorably dorky.” He was a dork, and he couldn’t deny it, even if he wanted to.

“I would like to think she would have wanted us to end up together as adults. Though I have no doubt she would threaten to take me out if I hurt you. You were her best friend, and she thought of you like a sister. I, however, never thought of you like a sister.” He chuckled at his joke.

“What is it you want from me, Derrick. I have avoided relationships most of my adult life. I am a submissive, but I can’t let a man take over my life outside of the bedroom. I have to remain in charge, which is difficult for most Doms. It is easier to have play partners. That way boundaries aren’t crossed.” She looked him straight in the eye as she told him what she wanted him to hear. He respected what she needed, but he would never be okay with just being a play partner.

“I understand what you are saying but let me lay it out for you. I want you in my bed, in my life. I have avoided relationships for years without really understanding why. Seeing you again made me realize it was always you, and it always will be. I understand your need for control in your life, and I respect it. You will submit to me in the club, and wherever else we play. I will always see to your safety, and that’s not up for negotiation, but with everything else we work as a team. You ask what I want? I want you to give me a chance. Be mine.” He held his breath while he waited for her response. If she said no, he would step aside, even if it killed him.

“Derrick, this is crazy. We haven’t seen each other in years, and now you’re telling me you want us to be together. Do you see how nuts that is?” She looked down at her lap.

“It is crazy, but hell, does that make it wrong?” It didn’t in his book.

“I don’t know.” He kissed her again. He could play dirty if he needed to, and he would do it proudly.

“Seems like I owe you a punishment for the way you spoke to me earlier today.” He grabbed her hand as he stood and pulled her from the stool. If she had protested, he would have stopped, but she didn’t, so he continued until he reached the master bedroom. It was a Dominant’s dream stocked with every toy and tool he could dream of, but he bypassed the cabinet and went to the chair in the corner. “I’m going to turn your ass a beautiful shade of red.”

Her cheeks flushed, and she nodded slightly at him. She needed this as much as he did if not more.
