Page 38 of After the Snap

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“So what’s the problem?” he asks, like he noticed that I emphasized it was real for me, but not for us.

“She doesn’t believe my feelings are real. She thinks I’m doing this because I’m afraid of losing her, and she’s partially right, but that’s not the driving force behind my feelings. It’s more like a result of them. Because I’ve finally realized I love her and don’t want anyone else, I’m afraid to lose her.”

Gabe frowns. “I think you need to go back to the beginning and give us all the details so we can help you figure this one out.”

So I do. They listen intently, all of them on the edge of their seats, but serious expressions on their faces like they’re taking it all in so they can give me the best advice.

On the field, I never doubt that these guys have my back, but sitting here in Ty’s living room with them surrounding me, I know they’ll have my back whether we’re on the field or not. We’re not brothers by blood, but by choice. And sometimes that’s much stronger.

By the time I’ve finished, my heart is racing and my palms are a little sweaty. Romel, Gabe, and Ty all exchange glances, then Ty stands. “I’m going to order some pizza. I have a feeling we’re going to be here for a while.”

He moves to the kitchen, already pulling out his phone. Romel sits back, lifting his leg to rest his ankle on his knee as he stares at me, his eyes narrowed in thought. When Ty comes back in the room, Romel leans forward.

“Alright, here’s what you’re gonna do.”


There’s a buzz in the air and it’s not because everyone is on pins and needles about the results of the recent audit we had. Tessa walks into my office with a smirk on her face.

“You should hear everyone tittering away out there about the new celeb in our midst.”

I drop my head to my hands. “Ugh, I didn’t think about how this would affect me at the office.”

“Relax. It’ll blow over soon enough, but you had to know people would talk. It’s the most exciting thing to happen to anyone in this company since ever.” She drops into the chair on the other side of my desk. “How are things going with Dom?”

Before I can answer her there’s a knock on my door and our boss, Stanley, peeks his head in. “Hey Alayna, you got a minute?”

“Sure thing, Stanley. What’s up?”

He walks in, his smile growing into a Cheshire cat grin. “Well, I’m happy to report we passed the audit with flying colors, and it’s all thanks to you. They were particularly impressed with our decision to pivot at the end of Q3 last year, which we wouldn’t have done if you didn’t suggest it based on the data you were seeing. So, I just wanted to thank you personally.”

“Thanks, Stanley.”

“We’re lucky to have you, Alayna,” he says before making his way back out the door.

Tessa and I look at each other, her eyes wide and her grin growing. “Did Stanley really come out of his office to thank you?”

I huff out a laugh. “He sure did.”

Stanley is notorious for never leaving his office unless it’s to play golf or time to go home—although there’s a rumor that he sleeps on his couch more nights than not since his last divorce. He typically only talks to his assistant and his VPs. I’m surprised he didn’t send his thank you through my direct supervisor, Clayton, which he’s done before.

“We must have really rocked that audit.”

“Well, that should lighten things around the office and maybe even take some of the excitement of your new celebrity status away.”

There’s another knock, and both Tessa and I look to the door at the same time.

“Or maybe not,” Tessa murmurs as she stands and walks past Dom, throwing me a knowing smile once she passes him.

“Dom,” I say, standing up and feeling suddenly unsure what to do with my hands, which is ridiculous because this is my domain. “What are you doing here?”

He holds up his hands and I now notice the large to-go coffee cup in one hand and the brown bag with something that smells heavenly in the other.

“I knew you were under a lot of stress because of that audit you guys had, and when you’re stressed you tend to work through lunch and skip snacks, so I figured you’d be jonesing for a coffee and blueberry scone.”

Blueberry scones are my favorite, and as I open my mouth to tell him that wasn’t necessary, my stomach gives a loud grumble. Dom ducks his head, chuckling before peeking up at me, and the tender yet heated look he gives me sucks all the air from my lungs.

I’m thrust back to the concert two nights ago and more importantly the things he said to me before the scorching-hot kiss we shared in the SUV. My body heats at the memory of how his hands felt on my body as his lips claimed ownership of mine.
