Page 40 of After the Snap

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So instead of doing all the things I want to do with Laney, I masturbate—sometimes multiple times a day—to take the edge off. And tonight I suspect I’m going to have a harder time than usual since we’re going to a charity gala with a few other players from my team and I already know Laney’s going to look fuck hot.

I grip my hand tighter around my cock, and I can picture Laney here on her knees, begging me to give it to her, her luscious pink lips parted and eager. My stomach clenches as pressure builds at the base of my spine. I imagine her pink tongue darting across the head of my dick before she wraps those perfect lips around me and sucks, her cheeks hollowing. My orgasm rushes over me, and my whole body goes stiff on my bed as thick jets of cum land on my stomach.

I sag into the mattress, my body barely feeling sated at all. A glance at the clock shows I don’t have much time to get ready, so I try to shake off the disappointment of an orgasm that left me wanting and get in the shower.

It doesn’t take me long to clean up and get dressed, but by the time I’m done, the town car that I hired for the night is already here. The drive to Laney’s place is about twenty minutes, and I use that time to text Trey to see if he’s heard any rumblings about what the Wolves might be thinking in regard to possibly trading me.

I’m hoping they don’t, but I’m preparing myself for the worst.

I glance up from my phone as the town car pulls up to Alayna’s place, and my mouth goes dry. I can barely pull my gaze away from the sight before me as I open the door and slide out of the car, my jaw dropped and my eyes scanning from her blonde hair that’s hanging in soft waves past her shoulders, down the elegant red dress that accentuates her curves in a way that has me wanting to get on my knees and worship her existence in my world, to the black stilettos that match her clutch.

“Well? Is this okay?” she asks.

I can’t even believe she has to voice that question. I try to speak, but my throat is tight. I clear it and try again. “You’re perfect,” I say, my voice coming out husky and giving away the impact she has on me based on the blush that coats her cheeks at my words.

“Thank you,” she says.

My feet move without my permission, my whole body on autopilot to get as close to her as I can. When I get within touching distance of her, I wrap one arm around her lower back, while the other hand slides over her jaw, my thumb rubbing across her bottom lip before I replace it with my lips.

I love kissing her.

Kissing was never that big of a deal to me, but kissing Laney is the best natural high in the world. Although, even better than kissing her is the way she sways against me, leaning her gorgeous body against mine. She lets out a soft little mewl that has my dick straining in my pants.

Fuck, it’s going to be a long night, but it’s worth it.

She’s worth it.

The charity gala tonight was my idea because I was sick of Shawna’s shallow date recommendations. She wanted us to attend some kind of charity, and I knew Gabe and Danae were going to this one that aims to raise awareness and support for survivors of domestic abuse, so it felt better to support something I know they’re both big advocates of than something that was just meant to be a publicity stunt.

I don’t want my life to be a publicity stunt. I want it to have meaning. Maybe tonight, some of the undeserved star power I’ve received since the Jen scandal can actually do some good and bring attention to an important cause.

Laney takes my hand as we exit the car, and we walk the short path to the entrance of the hotel where the event is taking place. Cameras flash and questions get thrown at us, but I ignore them all. It’s easier to do now that I know this thing with Laney is real.

Gabe and Danae are waiting for us right outside the banquet hall. “Were the reporters your idea?” Gabe asks.

“They come with the territory these days. Shawna likes a report of where we’ll be when we’re going out, so she can let them know.”

Gabe frowns. “I’m surprised this whole thing hasn’t died down yet.”

Now it’s my turn to frown. “Yeah, well, it might’ve already if it weren’t for Jen, continuing to drop hints that she’s still upset about the whole thing.”

Which is such a load of crap. She doesn’t care; she just likes the attention. I heard she’s getting a lot of offers for prime roles that any up-and-coming Hollywood actress would kill for. Instead of killing a person, she’s just trying to kill my character with subtle and vague social media posts and comments to the press when she’s out. She doesn’t say my name explicitly—she doesn’t have to because the press makes their own speculations.

“Sorry you both still have to deal with all the craziness. I don’t know how you do it,” Danae says, looking over at the wall of photographers and flashing lights.

“It’s not great, but hopefully it’s only temporary,” Laney says, and my shoulders stiffen with doubt. Does she mean the press will be temporary because they’ll find something else to salivate over or because our deal will run out?

Maybe I’m not feeling as confident in our new relationship as I thought I was.

“Well, should we go in?” Gabe asks as he gestures to the double doors that lead into the event. We all nod and Laney and I follow him and Danae.

We pass through the double doors into a large room decorated with purple sashes and round tables covered with cream linens and purple table decorations. There’s a silent auction set up in one-half of the room and a singer performing on a stage at the front of the room while people mingle or sit at tables. We make our way to a table and take our seats.

Danae and Laney start chatting and I overhear her telling Laney about a fundraiser that Will and Gina are doing for a local no-kill animal shelter where Will got his dog, Rex. Laney’s always been a softy when it comes to dogs, so I start figuring out if we have any plans next weekend, so I can plan for us to go and support the shelter.

Dinner is served shortly after we’re seated, and as the five-course menu comes to an end, several speakers start to get up and talk. Their stories are heartbreaking and infuriating. More than once Gabe and I exchange a look, both of us clearly thinking the same thing—that abusers deserve the worst form of karma possible. More than once I catch Danae wiping her eyes and Gabe pull her close against him. I know he found this charity because he wanted to support others who experienced the same terror Danae did. Both of them have a lot to work through over that trauma, but I have no doubt they’ll get through it together.

After the third speaker, Laney grabs my curled fist. Her touch immediately soothes the grated nerves of hearing the hell these women—and surprisingly one man—went through.
