Page 13 of Terror

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“Don’t worry about anythin’ here. I’ll make sure she eats and gets some rest. You do what you gotta do and then get back here. Do you want me to give Venom a heads up? He just got back here.”

“If you want. I’m sure he’ll want to talk to Tyler and Haley to find out what’s goin’ on. I don’t want anyone talkin’ to Quinn about this shit. She needs to calm down and that won’t happen if she’s forced to talk about it,” I tell my father-in-law knowing he’ll make sure no one gets close to his daughter.

“I got this,” he says before hanging up.

“What’s goin’ on?” Ricochet asks, closing the door behind him.

“Quinn was confronted by Horton at the diner when she stopped in to get lunch. I don’t know what was said or anythin’ but she’s upset about the situation. Tyler’s takin’ her back to the clubhouse now so she can rest and be with her parents. I’m gonna finish up this paperwork and head out. I know it’s early, but I won’t be any good to be here knowin’ my wife is upset and I should be with her,” I tell Ricochet as he stares at me.

“That prick has some fuckin’ balls. Let me know if you need anythin’,” Ricochet returns, leaving me in the office by myself.

I send a message to Goose letting him know Quinn won’t be in and a few details about why. He’s pissed and lets me know he’ll make sure her shift is covered. Setting my phone down on the desk, I get back to the paperwork on the desk in front of me. My eyes barely see what’s in front of me as I try to focus on everything. I finally manage to finish paying the bills for the gym and filing everything away so the desk is cleared of anything but the computer and pens in the holder.

Letting the guys know I’m leaving, I don’t waste time getting in my truck and heading out for the clubhouse. The sun might be shining bright as hell and making the air feel slightly warmer than it has been, but it’s still too damn cold to ride my bike. I’m one of the few who aren’t riding as long as there’s no snow on the ground. I like to be warm and not freezing my balls off. It won’t be long until we’re back out on the open road and can ride anytime we want. For now, the truck is more than fine for getting me back and forth to where I need to be.

Pulling into the clubhouse parking lot, I quickly shut off the engine and jump out of my truck to head inside. Steel is sitting in the common room with Brick and turns my way when I enter the main door. Both men just nod their head at me as I rush toward my room to find my wife. I don’t care if Harley’s in with her, I need to put eyes on Quinn and make sure she’s okay. Just hearing she’s here and okay from Steel or someone else isn’t enough for me.

Walking in my room, I find Harley and Quinn curled up in our bed. Quinn’s sleeping while curled up against her mom. There’s a movie playing on the TV as Harley looks at me. I can see the tear tracks on my wife’s face letting me know she held her shit together until getting back here and hiding out in our room. She’s so fucking strong. Haley carefully gets out of bed and makes her way over to me.

“She didn’t tell me what happened and I wasn’t gonna push her,” Harley says, looking over her shoulder at her daughter. “She cried for a long time, Wicked. I did get her to eat her lunch though and Steel made her a shake to replace the one she left behind. Tyler has been outside the door for most of the day. He feels like he let you both down by not stepping in sooner. He just didn’t want to make Quinn and Haley feel as if they couldn’t handle the situation with the mayor. I get where he’s coming from because they would’ve been pissed if he stepped in. He was ready to jump to action though.”

“I don’t doubt it. I’ve already talked to him. He was worried I was gonna beat his fuckin’ ass. Didn’t say the words, but I could hear it in his voice. Tyler’s a good guy and will make a good addition to the club when it’s time for him to patch in,” I say, opening the door for Harley to go back out.

After stripping out of my clothes, I climb in bed with Quinn and pull her tight to my body. She doesn’t wake up, but curls deeper into me and her body lets out a sob. She’s fucking reliving whatever that fucking asshole said to her. I wrap my arms as tight around her as I dare to while making sure she’s completely covered up. My girl doesn’t like to be cold like me and will wrap herself up so you can’t see a single part of her body when she’s cold. I call her a little burrito on those days because that’s what she reminds me of. Closing my eyes, I let Quinn’s body against mine remind me that she’s safe and here with me. No one took her and the mayor will get what’s coming his way sooner rather than later.

I ended up falling asleep with Quinn. She woke me up when she tried to get out of bed without me waking up. It never happens no matter how many times she tries to get away with it. After going to the bathroom and taking a shower with my wife, we make our way into the common room. It’s dinner time and we take a seat with Steel, Harley, and Brick. No one brings up what happened at the diner or asks her any questions. We all talk about nonsense and make sure to keep our conversation light.

“Little princess, are you guys gonna find out what you’re havin’?” Steel asks my wife as we finish up our dinner.

“I think I want to be surprised. I’m not sure I want to know until our little one makes an appearance. I know it makes it harder for everyone to buy gifts and us to get a nursery done, but I don’t really want to know what we’re having. I might change my mind again, but right now that’s where I’m at,” she answers her dad as I place my hand on her thigh.

“What about you, Wicked?” Brick asks, a smirk on his face.

“I don’t care either way. I’ve got all the time in the world to buy more than enough ammo if we have a girl. As long as my wife and our peanut are healthy, I’m good with whatever Quinn wants to do.”

“Good man,” Steel says, a smile on his face as he wraps an arm around Harley’s shoulders. “My son should take some lessons from you.”

“Dad, you can’t say that shit,” Brick says as if he’s offended by what Steel said. “I’m not lookin’ to settle down anytime soon. Ghost and I are happy with sharin’ the way we have been and it’s gonna take someone special to make either one of us want to settle down. Put us together and not a lot of women can handle that.”

“Keep tellin’ yourself that, son,” Steel banters back as Venom stands from his seat and everyone in the common room quiets down.

“Church. We have somethin’ to go over and I want it done now. Quinn, we might call you in. I know you don’t want to go over what happened today, but we might have to if the others can’t tell us enough,” Venom says looking at Quinn as he speaks.

“I’ll come in if you need me,” she responds, her voice wavering as I remain seated next to her.

Pressing a kiss against my wife’s forehead, I make sure she’s okay before leaving her with Harley. Steel has been coming into church with us since he’s helping us deal with the situation and needs to know what’s going on. None of us are going to say a word about him attending church with us for any reason though. Steel might not be a member of this chapter of the Wild Kings, but he is a member and will always be welcome in our meetings with us. The same as any of our dads would be welcome. We’ve had them in here more than once in the past and I don’t see it stopping in the future either.

Taking my seat around the table, I wait for Venom to slam the gavel and call us to order.

“Meetin’ in session,” he slams the gavel harder than necessary before setting it down next to him. “Most of you have already heard that the mayor had a message to deliver and chose to use Quinn to get that message to us. Haley and Tyler have both talked to me and filled me in on what they know. Not only is the club bein’ threatened by this twatwaffle, but Haley has been threatened along with Quinn. I really don’t want to bring her in to talk since she’s pregnant, so we’re just gonna have Haley come in. She was close enough to give me a rundown of what was said and happened when Horton decided to plant his ass at Quinn’s table.”

With a nod of Venom’s head, Bull gets up and opens the door for Haley. She enters church with her head held high and remains at the end of the table. Anger fills her face as she waits to talk about what happened today. I’m waiting to hear what she says because I have no clue what happened between the mayor and my wife.

“Haley, go ahead and tell them what you told me earlier,” Venom says as he looks at her.

“I was out waiting tables because we were so busy today. Our lunch rushes have been crazy as hell so I’ve been helping out there more than anything. Anyway, Quinn came in for lunch before she went to work and sat at a booth. Tyler took a seat at the counter so he wasn’t at the same table as her. He kept his eyes on her through the mirror on the counter as most of the Prospects do when they’re following us around. He didn’t once take his attention off her. I need you all to know that.

“After Quinn got served her milkshake, the mayor sat down with her. Knowing neither one of us knew the man, I made my way closer to her so I could hear what was going on. This man is fucking horrible. He brought up Claw and what he had done to Quinn while telling her that he wants his ‘cargo’ given back to him and shit. He knows we don’t have everyone you guys rescued here with us either. Knew my name, Quinn’s name, and everything. He’s done his research on the club and everyone associated with it.
