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He hauls me to the register hatless, then we hold hands as we leave the air-conditioned gift shop and walk out into the balmy early evening.

A burst of excitement blooms in my chest when Milo and I head down to the beach together. I’ve always wanted to go to the beach, and being here with Milo feels surreal.

It wasn’t long ago I wasn’t even sure he would be open to being my boyfriend, let alone being such a couple that we live together and casually travel together.

What even is this life?

When we approach the pool, Milo stops at the bar to get us a couple of drinks. The bartender flicks a glance at me, then he looks a little longer, a flirty smile curling his lips.

Milo rests a possessive hand around my waist. The guy takes the hint, moving down the bar to make me a piña colada.

“I think he likes me,” I whisper teasingly to Milo.

His hand slides lower and he grabs my ass possessively. “Of course he does,” he murmurs, kissing the side of my face.

My pussy throbs at the firm way he squeezes and rubs my ass here, where anyone could see us. I swallow, trying to ignore the rising heat in my body.

As if to drive home my point, the bartender looks back at me over his shoulder while he works on his drink and smiles again.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I look up at Milo. “He’s looking again.”

He grabs the back of my neck, pulling me in and claiming my lips in a soft but intensely thorough kiss that completely wipes my mind. When I pull back, I’m a little dazed and can’t remember what I was teasing him about, so I’m momentarily thrown when he says, “He can look all he wants. Only I get to touch.”

Warmth envelops me and I wrap my arms around his waist, leaning against him and gazing up at his handsome face. “I love you.”

His expression softens and he reaches down to tenderly caress my cheek. “I love you, too.”

Once we both have drinks, we head down to the beach.

The resort has cabanas you can rent out along the beach, or loungers guests can relax on in the sun or beneath the shade of an umbrella. Milo picks out a pair of loungers with some shade, but he still insists on putting sunscreen on me.

“It’ll be dark soon,” I point out.

He pushes my curly hair over one shoulder so he can slather lotion over the other one and down my back. “Can’t risk you getting burned in the meantime.”

I smile, taking a sip of my drink. “You’re such a dad.”

“Hey, now.”

I look back at him and smirk. “I wasn’t complaining.”


Milo and I play in the ocean, splashing and kissing. We swim a little, and he watches me make shapes with my toe in the sand.

When night falls, we hold hands and walk along the water’s edge, letting the baby waves lap at our ankles.

Before it gets too late, we stop at the hotel restaurant nearest the beach and have some dinner and another round of drinks.

I’m pleasantly tipsy, so on the way back to the hotel, I try to make trouble. As soon as we’re alone together in the elevator, I peel off my sarong so I’m wearing just the bikini.

“We should shower together and wash all the sand off us when we get back to the room.”

Milo’s smoldering gaze follows my fingers as I trail them over my breasts, teasing the edges of the scanty triangles of fabric keeping me covered.

He clears his throat, but his tone is still deep with burgeoning arousal when he speaks. “We can do that.” With some effort, he lifts his gaze to my face. “Did you have a good first day?”

“I had an amazing first day,” I tell him, dropping my hand and eliminating the distance between us. I don’t know why he stood so far away from me in the elevator, but I throw my arms around his neck and lean up on my tiptoes so I can kiss him. “Thank you for bringing me here.” I pepper his face with a couple of kisses. “Thank you for making this so special for me. You’re the best man I’ve ever met, and I’m so happy you’re mine.”
