Page 14 of Surrender

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“You should get your own place.”

She cracks a smile. “Sure, let me just dip into my trust fund. Oh, wait…”

Since her comment seems mildly accusatory, I ask, “Do I seem like someone who has a trust fund to you?”

“You do.”

She’s right, but most of it is locked up until I’m twenty-one and then twenty-five. “I have other streams of revenue, too. Do you work?”

She messes with the lantern to see if it has any clues like the last room. “I want to, but I haven’t found anything yet.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Well, I’m majoring in environmental science and minoring in chemistry, so if I could find something entry level in a lab, that would be awesome. Even a research assistant. I’d just like to find something that will help prepare me for my career going forward, not just waiting tables, you know?”

“Smart,” I remark. “You’re clearly a big-picture kind of girl.”

She shrugs offhandedly. “I guess so.”

Finally, she locates a small key tucked away inside a hidden compartment on the lantern. She grins triumphantly as she holds it up. “Two lantern keys in back-to-back rooms? And here I thought your escape room was supposed to be hard.”

Her teasing makes me smile.

I rise as she unlocks the door, and as we venture into the next room, I admire her ass, filled with anticipation.

Sophie halts just past the door when she realizes what I already know.

The last room is the bedroom.

Chapter Five


A soft “oh” of surprise slips past her lips. She looks back at me and swallows, more guarded now that we’re entering a room with an actual bed in it.

It’s a Viking’s bed, so it’s not all that comfortable. Made of straw and covered with animal skin just like a Viking’s would be.

Sophie steps forward, then decides her best bet is to keep her distance from me. She approaches the right wall with what looks like a window outside, but it’s actually an LED light, the only light in this room. It casts shadows on the walls as we move.

Sophie is intensely more aware of me in this room than the others.

Smart girl.

“Um, maybe you could look over there,” she says, gesturing to a spot farthest away from her in this small room.

I smirk. “I haven’t helped you up to this point. What makes you think I’ll start now?”

She glances over at the bed. On top of the animal skin is a sword. Just a prop, like the axe, but she picks it up anyway. She eyes me wordlessly, then inspects the long blade. “It’s quite nice. The Viking who owns this place must have a trust fund, too,” she says somberly.

A laugh bursts out of me, and she smiles.

I take a step toward her, and much to my pleasure, she takes an answering step back. All her response does is fuel myinterest in chasing her, so I step closer until the wall is at her back.

She holds the sword between us as if it’s a real weapon, but when I grip the hilt and give her a light shove, she’s too startled to react, and I get it from her easily.

She tenses at the noise as I drop the prop on the floor and close the distance between us.

She wants to keep backing away, but there’s nowhere for her to go. This room is the same size as the others, but since there’s a full-size bed in it, the space is much tighter.
