Page 17 of Surrender

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“You think so? See, I think it’d be pretty easy to claim there was a mix-up. We were playing around with the Viking stuff, and I thought I grabbed the prop sword. Grabbed the real one instead.” She must have buttoned her shorts while on her belly, trying to roll away from me. The zipper is still down, but the button is secure again. As if that flimsy little thing might stop me from taking what I want.

To stop her from being able to close it on me againandto illustrate how sharp my blade is, I bring the blade down toward her hips, line it up with the button, and neatly slice it off her shorts.

She gasps as the button rolls off onto the bed beside her.

Eyes wide with horror, she looks up at me. “You’re fucking crazy.”

“I’m glad you understand.”

She might have had her suspicions before, but now that she’s certain I’m a fucking lunatic, the playfulness goes out of her.

Composing herself, she licks her lips, then softly says, “Silvan, I’m… I’m going to say this one more time. Let me go.”

Her voice shakes when she says it.

I like her voice shaking.

I like her fear.

I like the way she’s still looking up at me with those wide eyes like she can’t quite comprehend the man she sees. Or maybe she can, but she just doesn’t want to.

“I won’t tell anyone about this or anything,” she adds as if that might be a concern for me.

It’s not.

If she knew all the fucked-up shit the men in my family have gotten away with for generations because we had enough money to make our problems go away, she’d lose all her faith in this so-called civilized world she’s so certain she lives in.

I don’t tell her, though.

I like her naivety and want her to hold on to it for a while longer.

“I just want to go home,” she finishes softly.

“And I’ll let you,” I assure her. “As soon as I’m finished with you.”

I keep the sword at a threatening distance without pressing it to her skin so I can climb on the bed without harming her. She scoots back away from me toward the pillows where she can rest her pretty little head while I fuck her.

“Silvan, please…”

I like my name on her lips, but I don’t tell her that. She might opt to deprive me of the pleasure as a punishment if I do.

My elaborate costume looks fucking cool but is a bit of a pain in the ass now that I need to undress with a reluctant partner who poses a flight risk.

Granted, she can’t get out of this room until the door opens, so I have her trapped here for a good amount of time, but I—

My thoughts are interrupted when the girl sees her chance—me attempting to disrobe—and tries to roll off the damn bed again.

I grab one of her long blond pigtails and give it a sharp tug. She yelps as I drop the sword on the bed and drag her little ass back over to me, then cries out when I grab her wrists, forcing them behind her back and shoving her down on the bed. I hold her wrists behind her with one hand. Aggravated, I toss the sword on the ground behind me.

“All right, I see we’re doing this the hard way.”

“Get your hands off me,” she says, fighting my hold on her.

This is not how I wanted to do this.

Since she’s fighting me now, I hold her down with one hand and push down her shorts with the other.

“No,” she cries, twisting and trying to break free.
