Page 8 of Surrender

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Silvan smirks. “We have to let ourselves out.”

“What if we can’t?”

He glances back at me. “Well, then you’ll be stuck in there with me for an hour,” he says, his lips tugging up. “But don’t worry,” he adds, probably seeing my alarm. “I’m sure we’ll find our way out.”

Silvan turns at the end of the hall and leads me toward a set of double doors.

I swallow hard, trying to calm my racing heart.

“Wait,” I say, pulling my hand free from his and backing up.

An unmistakably predatory gleam glints in his dark eyes as he turns back. I can see his impatience, feel him closing in on me as I hear the shifting leather and heavy fur of his costume move with him.

It reallyislike being cornered by a Viking.

Maybe that’s why I let him back me up against the wall instead of turning and running.

An ordinary man, I would run from, but this striking Viking stirs feelings of interest low in my gut right alongside the fear.

He reminds me of the old books I used to read from the library about brutish Vikings rutting their slave girls and dashing rogue pirates ravishing their pretty stowaways.

I look away from him as he traps me against the wall. His big hand comes up to caress the curve of my jaw, and he grabs a pigtail, rubbing his thumb over a chunk to feel the texture of my hair.

“Soft,” he murmurs, something like approval in his voice.

I want to tell him once more that I really need to go, but I know the time for that has passed.

We’re not downstairs in a room full of people anymore. We’re upstairs all alone in a quiet corner of the house.

He presses closer, trapping me against the wall, his hands coming to rest on either side of my head.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” he tells me matter-of-factly.

“Please don’t,” I whisper.

His dark eyes glint with something that feels almost affectionate. I know he heard me, but he doesn’t bother listening.

Fear surges through my body as his face nears mine.

I try to be as still as possible. He’s going to kiss me, I know it. I just have to get through it.

My heart hammers as I close my eyes, expecting his greedy lips to smash against mine, expecting him to kiss me however helikes, the same way he would kiss any other random girl at this party he doesn’t honestly give a fuck about.

Instead, he stops a hairsbreadth away and just breathes me in. “You smell incredible,” he rumbles.

My breath catches at the unexpected compliment.

With convincing tenderness, he slides a hand behind my head and cradles my skull in his palm.

I gasp softly against his mouth as his lips find mine. The sudden and unexpected intimacy of it knocks the strength out of my legs, and my knees buckle.

I might fall, but Silvan’s wedged his knee between my legs. I feel the steady strength of his hard thigh beneath my pussy as he presses it against me, holding me against the wall while he tastes me.

Heat spreads through my lower belly as he moves his leg slightly, using it to rub me between the thighs. I don’t want him to, but I’m trapped between him and the wall and can’t move. The unexpected friction sends more heat to my core, and I moan helplessly against his mouth, grabbing his broad shoulders for support.

The fur feels soft between my fingers while his muscular shoulders are firm and dependable beneath my unsteady hands.

His mouth moves against mine with a fierce possessiveness and unwavering passion like he’s fighting to conquer me right there on the spot. Mine opens for him like the damn fool thing wants him to, even thoughImost assuredly do not.
