Page 84 of Surrender

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Silvan took both sets of keys. I don’t know if he just didn’t think about it, or if he took them deliberately so I couldn’t drive away without him while he talks to his scary friend.

Something about the guy is familiar, but I can’t quite place him. He’s tall and handsome with a face I wouldn’t think I’d forget.

When I look at the car he came in, I see someone else inside. That’s when I realize why he’s familiar.

The girl has dark hair tonight, so I guess she’s not actually a blonde, but that’s definitely the girl who was dressed up as Harley Quinn at Silvan’s Halloween party. I guess that makes the guy talking to him the Joker who was making out with her.

I wonder if she’s a willing accomplice to whatever this is. She never got out of the car, just scooted over from the passenger side to the driver’s side. She could leave, but I get the impression she’s waiting for her boyfriend to make sure everything goes okay here.

Her gaze catches mine, and she smiles. It’s a feeble smile, more a gesture of friendly solidarity than any kind of happiness. I wave, and she gives me a little wave back.

Prisoners in nearby cells, reminding each other we’re not alone.

Maybe it only seems that way to me.

Maybe she’s free, and I’m just looking at her world through my own broken lens. The same one that makes me feel sympathy for girls at parties when I see them being kissed.

The guys separate, Joker getting into my car and Silvan coming back to his.

I avoid looking at him when he opens the door and slides in.

Instead, I focus on Harley and Joker.

I think I was right about her protectiveness of him because now that she sees everything is fine, she cuts the wheel and drives away.

I guess she isn’t a prisoner, after all.

I guess only I am.

I wrap my arms around myself, watching out the window as we leave my professor’s house.

I feel like such a fool for falling into Silvan’s trap.


I don’t know how I could have known better this time, but I should have.

Silvan starts the engine. Air blows out of the vents, but it’s cold, so I wrap myself up tighter. Offhandedly, he notices and reaches over to close the vents on my side.

“They’ll warm up in a minute,” he tells me.

I finally dare a glance in his direction. “You didn’t tell me you knew that guy.”

Silvan glances over at me but doesn’t say anything.

“He’s the Joker from last weekend, right?” I’m second-guessing myself, but I’m sure he is. I only saw him from behind, but I definitely recognized the girl as Harley.

“Of course I know him. He was at my party, wasn’t he?”

“I was at your party,” I mutter. “You didn’t know me.”

He smirks faintly. “Hewas invited.Youwere a plus-one. I’ll have to send your roommate something nice to express my gratitude.”

I focus my gaze out the front windshield and stifle the urge to cast a longing look behind us to see if my car is still in view. “I know you want to take me to your house, Silvan, but… I don’t want to go there. I want to go home.”

“I understand. Unfortunately, that’s not an option.”

His words make my insides feel cold.
