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Lucy: You heard me…Sexy. Those buns of his, wow!

Emma: The Lincoln men have good genes. Buns of steel, like bounce a quarter off, pow!

Me: Hello?

Emma: Shit, sorry, should I bring the hard stuff?

Me: Bring it all!!!

I am in my living room pacing the floor, gnawing on my fingernail, nibbling on my lip, fisting my hands. My stomach is in knots and all I can think is I’ve already screwed my life up, why not add another curveball to the mix.

There is a knock just before the door bursts open and in walks Emma with an arm full of alcohol. Following close behind with her own stash is Lucy looking disheveled as her hairs blowing in her face.

“We’re here,” Emma announces placing the bottles on the counter. “But you should know that Mattie was on the phone with Jayson when I left and I already know a lot of the details.”

“What details,” Lucy says in a rush, placing her own bottles on the counter beside Emma’s. “Catch me up to speed. Seriously why do I feel like I am always one step behind the good stuff?”

“Dr. Sexy showed up at Zoey’s Treasures, barged in and confessed his long-lived love for our girl here. He spewed thirteen years’ worth of confessions at Zoey’s’ feet and left her with her head spinning. Now the poor guy is wondering if he completed screwed the pooch and will never get the girl.”

I stare at Emma, blinking at her as she gives Lucy the quick rundown. So okay, it wasn’t exactly what happened but close enough.

“Seriously?” Lucy asks looking at me all hopeful. “Why did that all just give me butterflies?”

“He did not profess his undying love for me.”

“Telling you that he’s never stopped thinking about you and that no other woman has even compared, sorta sounds like a version of undying love.”

“Why did I invite you?” I ask.

“Because you love me and know that I will give it to you like I see it which on most occasions is exactly what you need.”

“I’m married!” I remind her.

“To a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve you. Who you’ve also been trying to divorce for far too long. Carson Ward is the one who screwed up Zoey not you.”

“The last thing I need right now is to add Jayson to the mix.”

“But Jayson looks like he’d be a lot of fun,” Lucy sing songs and I roll my eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

“I am not jumping from one bed into the next.”

Emma laughs and I narrow my eyes at her. “Please, you haven’t been in Carson’s bed for more than three years. Besides isn’t his bed your bed.” She isn’t lying, everything he has are the things I brought into the relationship. Including my dignity, my self-respect, and my God damned Kitchen Aid mixer. I love that thing!

“Semantics.” I wave my hand at her because there is truly no arguing with Emma; she will give and give until you are exhausted from trying to outwit her. I swear the woman has a comeback for everything. It’s part of the reason she and Mattie fit together so very well. He met his match with Em, that is no joke.

“So,” Lucy says as she leans over on the countertop, resting her elbows as she smiles at me. “You don’t use a bed then.” She shrugs, and I hear a snicker from Emma. It seems they’ve both got jokes today. “Maybe instead you use a wall, or the hood of a car.”

“Oh, how about those big comfy chairs you have on your back porch, not the ones that rock because that could be dangerous, but those?—”

“Seriously?” I look between my two best friends, I wish I could say I’m surprised, but they never seem to amaze me. They also have the incredible superpowers to make me feel better even when I’m at my worst. “If I didn’t love the two of you so much, I would kick you both out right now.”

Lucy shimmies, and Emma punches the air in triumph.

“Plus you brought the alcohol so…” I grab a bottle of wine and walk around the island in search of the corkscrew. “It seems rude to make you leave.” The cork pops, and instead of grabbing a glass I take the entire bottle to the living room and tip it up, taking a long pull along the way.

Why is my life so backward? Do I have a target on my ass? A sign above my head flashing the words, I live for chaos?

“You should know that Jay seemed genuinely concerned when he called.” Emma joins me, with a second bottle and a glass for both her and Lucy. With one on each side of me I stare ahead reliving the look in his eyes as he moved in close.
