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Zoey has yet to notice me, but I can’t look away. Seeing her in this role, as a mother, I’m in awe.

She holds out her hand and the little girl reaches out taking hold as they walk toward a table on the opposite end of the restaurant. Swinging their arms, practically skipping as they smile at each other.

“Don’t do it,” my brother groans, but I don’t acknowledge him.

She is completely enthralled by her daughter as they climb into the booth and pull out a menu. She leans in close, as they look it over. Zoey’s mouth moving, I assume as she reads the words to her little girl. I know I’m staring but I can’t seem to look away.

“Reel it in Romeo,” my body jerks in surprise and I look back to find Emma is now standing next to the table. Her hand locked with an identical version of the one in the booth with Zoey. Wow, they look so much like their momma.

“She’s not in the right headspace, and after the other night you need to give her a little time to get her thoughts straight before you throw another round of crazy her way.”

“Hello Em,” I say with a smile.

“She’s still dealing with a frog, a big wart covered toad. The biggest nastiest toad you can find. You may be her prince in the end, but she’s gonna need some time to clean out the stink first.”

“You’re a pwince?” The little girl at her side says and I quickly forget everything Emma says when I glance down. The sweetest toothless grin is looking up at me with wide eyes. “Where’s your crown at?”

“I left it at home,” I say leaning in closer. “What’s your name?”

“Riley,” she replies. “What your name?”

“I’m Jayson, but everyone calls me Jay.”

“Momma,” she screams across the restaurant as she looks back in the direction where Zoey is seated. “I met a pwince.”

Eric chokes on his beer, Dean laughs under his breath and Mattie whispers, its sounds like she said penis.

Emma smacks at Mattie and I look back to the place Zoey sits and notice the uncomfortable look on her face.

“You should probably join your mom and sister for dinner,” I tell Riley not really wanting her to go away. “It was nice meeting you Riley,” I reach out and shake her hand making her laugh before she rushes off to join her mother.

“You got to her,” I look away to find Emma still standing next to our table. “If she’s asks, I’ll deny I ever said this, but she’s never stopped thinking about you either. He made her lose hope, but you being here, I see a piece of the old Zoey. She’s fighting it, but like I said give her time.”


. . .


“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I stand on the opposite side of the table staring at Carson who is slouched in his chair. He looks half drunk, or at least hungover and I want nothing more than to reach out and slap the smirk off his face.

“You want this over, then those are my terms.” He shrugs as if it’s nothing. Not even a sliver of emotion on his face. No sadness or finality in his eyes, just a completely blank, I don’t give a fuck look. “No more back and forth with attorney’s, no more combing through everything trying to strike a deal. It’ll be over, I’ll sign and we move on.”

“You’ve already moved on. You moved on from the moment you said I do.” He doesn’t deny it.

“Can I have a minute with my client?” Reece asks placing his hand on my arm. I feel for the man, he’s put in so much time and effort, and he’s filtered months and months of bullshit from Carson. I know there are things he hasn’t even told me and Iappreciate it, but right now I feel like I’m going to lose my battle to maintain my cool.

“Please,” Carson’s lawyer looks as annoyed as Reece.

We exit the room and I walk down the hallway to the large windows at the end needing some space. I feel like I am about to explode, my hands shake, my chest is tight. I’m angry and damn it my heart feels like it has shattered into a million pieces.

“Zoey,” Reece gives me space, not moving in too close. “I know this isn’t what you expected. Hell, sweetheart it isn’t what I expected. But with everything you know now, with the last three years and everything that has happened is it truly any different. It’s basically what has been taking place from the day the girls were born.”

“How can he be so nonchalant about it?” Tear filled my eyes. I stand there in the hall fisting my hands at my side, the urge to hit something is so powerful I’m not sure I can control it.

“He’s not the man you thought he was, and my hearts breaks for you. I wish things were different. I wish you and your girls had a strong man, one who deserves the three of you, and who knows, maybe one day you will. But this, Carson and his demands, you have to decide if you want this all to go away or do you want to keep fighting it. But whatever you choose, I am on your side. I’ll continue to fight with you, you have my word. We will drag it out, draining him until he has nothing left. But you have to decide, you have to make that choice because this is your life.”

I take a deep breath, looking out at the town. Cars moving along the streets, people walking the sidewalks, peering in windows, and laughing like they don’t have a care in the world. I want that.
