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“I haven’t felt this content in years.” His lips skim over mine, and my heart races. “It’s not the place, it’s the people, and I’m where I belong. I don’t want to be anywhere else, with anyone else.”

When he presses his lips to mine in the softest, sweetest kiss, my body sags against his.

He pulls back much too soon. But what he says confirms that Jayson Lincoln is still the loving caring man I knew him to be. “I’ll wait for you, for however long it takes, because I’m not going anywhere. I want to be in Riley and Regan’s life, however it plays out, but I would also love it if I could be in yours too.”

“Yeah,” I breath into the phone, feeling my heart race as I walk toward my awaiting car. “I may have just stormed the castle, confessed my biggest fears and got kissed by the prince.”

“Excuse me?” Emma genuinely sounds confused. “Are we talking literal or are you playing dress up with the girls again?”

“The castle, or the doctor’s office, fears, would be him leaving and breaking our hearts and the kiss, yep, Jay is the prince and he kissed me.” I say it all in one breath, as I practically fall into the driver’s seat and rest my head back against it. “I’m convinced at this point that if he doesn’t have me committed, they should pull his medical license.”

Emma laughs.

“I’ve managed to fall apart in his presence more times than I can count. I bit his head off for giving my girls the greatest memory and then I show up at his office, during business hours, so I can snot all over his shirt. I’m sure he kissed me to shut me up. I mean he could have just told me to stop, though I’m not sure I could have. I’ve always had a problem shutting up around him. But this isn’t high school anymore, I am not a teenager with raging hormones, I’m a?—,”

“Shut up,” Emma interrupts me and I press my lips together tightly. “Thank you,” I sense her smile. “First off, you are crazy but it’s why we love you so much and second the man kissed you because he is still in love with you.”

I close my eyes tightly.

“So with all that being said, where did you leave things?”

“I may have told him I had to get to work, which isn’t a complete lie, but really it was more because I needed time to get my head straight.”

“What’s to get straight? He’s hot, you are hot, be hot together.”

“Why did I call you?” I smile feeling better already.

“Because you needed someone to tell you to stop analyzing everything and live a little. It’s okay to feel excited. You are a momma and a great one at that, but you are also a woman with needs. Be a little naughty.”

“And now I am going to end this call and go to work for a bit.”

“You could ask him to join you.”

“Yep, because him being there as a distraction would solve everything.” I end the call laughing at how a conversation with one of my best friends however ridiculous it may be, can clear my head.


. . .


“Evan is me all over again.” Eric grabs his beer and lifts it to his lips taking a long pull. “My mom always said one day I’d have my own kids and then she’d be able to look at me and laugh. She’d be able to say how does it feel Eric, having gray hair before your thirty fifth birthday. I thought she was crazy because I wasn’t a bad kid.”

I chuckle and hurry to cover my mouth with the back of my hand.

“He’s me times twelve,” he widens his eyes. “I never thought about clogging the bathroom sinks then turning on all the faucets and leaving the bathroom. Or putting chewing gum on the bottoms of all the door handles.”

I try not to laugh, but it’s impossible.

“Then today I get a call from Principal Walsh,” he hangs his head. “Lemon used to be so nice.”

“She’s still nice,” he’s having difficulty with the fact she held the fate of his nine-year-old son in her hands.

“Don’t teachers and principals and disciplinarians know when they give young kids detention and community service activities, they aren’t only punishing the kids but the parents too?”

“Well, that might be the point.”

“I didn’t tell him to cover Mr. Reed’s seat with a layer of shoe polish. I sure as hell didn’t supply the materials and come on, super glue on the eraser in old lady Harper’s boring ass music class.”
