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Ms. Harper was boring. She’s got to be ninety by now. I’m surprised she is still teaching.

“I sat across from Lemon, her scowling at me. I felt like I was ten all over again and being forced to scrub the dirty words off the bathroom stalls after I forget to hide the marker.”

This time I do laugh, he asked for it though.

“All I could do was sit there, curled into myself as Principal Lemon Walsh narrowed her eyes at me. It was like she was trying to break me.”

“Did she?” I lose it, leaning back in the booth enjoying this too much.

“Seriously, Jay,” he adds. “It was torture.”

“You were a heathen so it seems right your spawn would also bare horns.”

“I blame Kerry,” he says holding his hands out to his sides like it’s so obvious.

“Of course you would,” Eric was trouble. He was the class clown, the dare devil, pushing the limits at every turn. My mother disliked him with a passion, but my mother is the most judgmental person I know. Gramps thought he was a riot, though he’d never tell him that to his face. He had to play the responsible adult, but there were so many times I’d hear him laughing while he and Grams discussed the most recent round of trouble Eric had found him in.

“So what did Evan get as punishment?”

“Three weeks detention, one with Mr. Reed, the other with Harper, then a third week with Lemon in her office where he will write letters of apology to not only the staff but the student’s education he interrupted with his acts of rebellious behavior.”

My laughter only grows louder.

“Dude, he's nine.”

“Perfect time to set an example,” now I sound like my parents.

“Who are you?” He asked wrinkling his forehead. “You wait until you have kids,” immediately I imagine Zoey and I with a houseful of little ones. “I’ll be the cool uncle terrorizing them and persuading them to do insane things so your forced to sit there and scratch your head. I’m telling you they come up with crazy ass stuff. Things I didn’t even think of when I was their age.”

“You came up with some real off the wall shit.”

“I know,” he lifts his beer taking a drink as he nods his head. “And I’m impressed, that should tell you something.”

We finish dinner, and another beer before we decide to call it a night. Eric has to go home and face the music with Kerry.She knows who is truly to blame for Evan and his need to be a prankster. Eric does too, but he finds it easier to play innocent.

We step outside and the humid air hits me. River End is our go to place, it has all the good food to go with a cold beer and its right on the water. You can get there by boat, or car. Wishing I’d gone for option one, because a ride along the river would feel nice right about now.

“Dr. Lincoln,” I turn around to find Zoey’s parents standing behind me, about to entire the restaurant.

“Luann,” I hold out my hand and take hers offering a gentle shake. Turning my attention to her father feeling his eyes boring into me before I even acknowledged him. “Thomas,” I offer holding out my hand and waiting for his. The way he watches me, like he’s picking me apart piece by piece dissecting every molecule, I’ll admit its eerie.

When he places his hand in mine and offers a firm shake, he continues to watch me.

“It’s good to see you both again.” At the birthday party for the twins, Thomas watched me much like he is now. When I was younger, he did the same, and I find myself wondering how a man like Carson could have snuck by without Zoey’s dad breaking him down. Even now after all he put his daughter through, I’d imagine him with blocks tied to his ankles and him being tossed in the river. Thomas Harding is a difficult man, those piercing eyes; it’s hard to determine just what he is thinking. When you try, at least when I try, my mind goes to some scary places.

“My granddaughters seem to be quite fond of you.” Luann smiles at me. She is much easier to read. Either she likes youor she doesn’t but rarely does she dislike anyone, she’s always reminded me of Zoey.

“I’m pretty fond of them too,” I tell her and can’t help but smile when I picture Riley and Regan.

I notice Luann look at her husband just before she elbows him in the side and for the first time, he glances away from me and looks at his wife, smiling at her. “Why don’t you give me and Jayson a few minutes?” My stomach tenses, as Eric bids us a goodbye, and walks off before I can stop him.


“I’m sure Jayson has things to do, he doesn’t want to stand around talking to us all evening.” I have to give it to her, she tries.

“I’ll only be a minute. I’ll meet you in the car.” He assures his wife with a kiss to her cheek before hurrying her along.

We both watch as she walks away, continuing to look back over her shoulder like she’s afraid to get too far away.
