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“Are we still on for movie night?” I ask as she turns to look back at me. “We can get pizza, or something else if pizza’s not good."

“Pizza is good,” she insists, “but they’re picky so I’ll have to get them only cheese.”

“We can do that.”

One of them squeals which triggers both Zoey and I too look back out into the yard. The sun is casting a glow over the lake. I wish I’d thought of getting some outdoor furniture for us to sit on.

Instead, I guide Zoey toward the steps that lead down off the deck and direct her to sit, as I move in behind her. She leans back against me. Linking her fingers through my left hand I turninto her and kiss her temple. I could do this every day, loving the feeling of having them all so close.

Last night I told myself that though I told Zoey I’d wait forever, I couldn’t live up to that promise. I want them. I need them.

Having them within arm’s reach but not being able to express the true way I feel is too hard. I don’t want to waste another second not showing them how much they mean to me.

I spent most of the movie, watching Riley and Regan. Amazed by their actions and how perfectly behaved they are. Truly I expected them to be bouncing around talking and giggling through the entire movie. Instead they sat side by side, curled in a blanket, leaning back against the pile of pillows stacked behind them. The way they cuddled together was incredible.

I’m sure they bicker, but it’s easy to see they adore each other.

I hear a soft snore at my side and glance over to find Zoey sleeping soundly.

The day had been perfect, or at least it was to me.

I realized I could spend every single day with the three of them and it still wouldn’t be enough.

The credits begin to roll and I lean forward to see both the girls are sleeping too. Practically hugging each other, needing to feel that they are within reach of one another. It’s sweet, the way their fingers are linked together and their heads are turned inward, one head resting against the other.

“Hey,” I look back to find Zoey sitting up and scooting to the edge of the couch. “They never make it through an entire movie at night.” She smiles as she leans over, looking down at her girls. A smile takes over her lips, before she brushes the hair off the girls’ foreheads so she can see them better.

“Mommy didn’t make it either,” I offer and she doesn’t look away from her daughters. But her smile does widen, and she doesn’t attempt to deny my accusations.

“I need to get them to bed.” Zoey stands and I join her.

“Let me help you.”

“You don’t have to,” she assures me.

“I know I don’t have to, but I want to.” When her gaze meets mine, she takes a deep breath in and simply nods in agreement.

Together we gather them up, me taking Riley and her Regan. I follow her down the hallway into the girls’ room and immediately I look around.

Two matching twin beds, one with pink bedding the other purple. Very little space between the beds separated by a bookshelf.

It’s small, but I can see instantly Zoey tried to make it a little girls’ play land. Everything so organized, even though its small.

After the girls are in bed, covered up and settled we step out into the hallway and she pulls the door closed behind us. Only leaving it slightly ajar she turns and practically bumps into me.

I don’t want to make here uncomfortable and end the night on a sour note. “I should probably get going, and let you get to bed.”She lifts her chin, looking up at me. “After all you did fall asleep on the couch.”

Smiling, she pushes against my chest. “Today was a really great day.”

“It was.” I link our fingers together and side by side walked toward her front door. “Which means we should definitely do it again and very soon.”

As we reach the door, I turn, and she places her hand on my chest. “Thank you,” she whispers. “For today and for making them laugh. Hell, for making them feel wanted and included.”

“I would never want them to feel less. They are incredible Zoey. I wasn’t lying when I said I enjoy being with them.” I step closer and place my hand on her cheek, gliding it along her jaw before cupping the back of her neck. “I should be thanking you for allowing me to spend the day with you three.”

Her eyes grow glassy and I move in a little closer. “I could have days like today, every single day. It was perfect.”

She smiles, and I lean in closing the remaining amount of distance as my lips press to hers. It’s the perfect ending to an incredible day.
