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Emma: Mattie says that Jay spent the night last night???

Me: Tell Mattie that gossip is beneath him.

Emma: It’s really not, lol.

I stretch out in bed and roll over to my side, curling my upper body around the pillow. Propping the phone up I watch the bubble appear and wait, knowing this conversation is not over.

Lucy: Wait, he spent the night. Details?

Emma: Was it better than you remember?”

Me: Don’t you two have better things to do?

Lucy: No, I haven’t had my coffee yet, it’s brewing so there is time. Please proceed.

Emma: I’ve had coffee, but I’m nosy so spill…

I laugh imagining the two of them holding their phones in their hands staring down at the screens waiting impatiently.

Emma: ???

Lucy: Still waiting!

Me: He didn’t stay over, the movie was over by nine, he helped me put the girls to bed.

Lucy: And?

Emma: ???

Me: You two are ridiculous. I walked him to the door, there was some kisses a little heavy petting and then he left.

I’m met with silence.

Me: Now you decide to go silent.

Emma: I’m imagining the heavy petting.

Lucy: Me too.

Me: Pervs! Gotta go, the girls are awake.

I could hear their little feet slapping against the floor just before my bedroom door bursts open. Together they rush me, jumping up onto my bed, climbing over my body.

“Gigi’s sleepover,” Riley yells happily and until then I forgot about my free night. “We get to sleep in the tent this time.”

It’s more of oversized teepee she ordered online and then paid Dean Sullivan to come over and put up. Not sure those kinds of things are his normal requests but she can be very convincing. I think Dean was afraid he’d find my aunt Sarah there ready to rubup on him like she did when he completed some work at Sugar Rush but Gigi promised to keep her far away.

Everyone in town, the men at least know Sarah has no boundaries.

Now Gigi has a teepee set up in her family room, with a large air mattress inside. The opening is turned at the perfect angle so they have a clear view of the large television for all their future movie nights.

“Can we go now?” Regan asks and I roll over taking them both with me and I pin them to the bed.
