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“Yeah.” I nod, trying to ease the ache in my chest. “I’m good,” I assure him as I reach out and place my hand over his. Offering a squeeze when I attempt to pull back, he links his fingers through mine and holds my hand in his.

“You’re doing it again,” Jay says in a low tone. “What’s it gonna take?”

I am surprised by his question. I look at Riley and then Regan, seeing both of them so incredibly happy. It hits me deep, hits me hard, and then I shift my attention back to Jay.

“You’re doing it,” I assure him with a smile. I mean it, I feel it in my core. “You’re doing it,” I repeat. I hold his hand tighter in mine and that is how we remain while the girls finish their breakfast and precede to tell both Jayson and I all about their night with Gigi. Their giggles echo over the diner and I see a few locals offering us smiles. Mr. Willis stops by the table saying agood morning before wishing us a good day. I notice the wink he throws toward Jay which makes him chuckle.

When he realizes I noticed too he leans in and kisses my cheek. “Seeing you and these girls with a good man makes me happy. Let him love you.”

Then he walks off as I stare after him.

“Told you.” I shift my attention back to Jay. “The minute I pulled into town they all just knew.”

I only shake my head as I stand, and Regan follows out of the booth behind me. When Riley starts to climb over Jay’s lap, he lifts her and sets her down on the ground beside him. “Us ladies need to clean up.” We excuse ourselves as we all three walk hand in hand toward the bathroom. When I pull open the door and girls slip inside, I look back toward the table to find Jay watching us.


“Shh,” I tell Zoey as I lift her leg and hook it over my hip. She whimpers and I attempt to muffle it with a kiss.

The girls are in bed, the television is still playing in the living room, and she and I made our way to her room. I fully intended on leaving after I helped get the girls to bed. All four of us sat in their room while Zoey read them a story. Regan fell asleep first and Riley close behind.

I offered both of the girls a kiss on their foreheads, made sure the blankets were pulled up around them, and when I turned aroundthere stood Zoey watching. She took my hand in hers and led me out to the hallway and then straight across to her room.

I allowed her to lead.

Within minutes, our clothes we on the floor and she was moaning my name.

“You have to keep it down,” I whisper near her ear as I push inside of her once more. I don’t know how I’m managing to hold myself together because watching her fall apart is exhilarating.

“Feels so good,” she cries, and I press my fingers to her lips. Immediately she bites my finger and sucks the end into her mouth. That sensation combined with the feel of her wrapped around me threatens to undo me.

My toes curl as I fist the sheet beside her head. Pausing, I take her mouth in a deep heated kiss. I need a few minutes, teetering on the edge and not wanted it to end.

When she digs her heels into my ass, I know she wants me to move.

“Baby,” I growl. “Slow down,” I force her to look at me. “If you keep moving like you are this is going to be over long before either of us want it to be.”

I see the moment it registers and that mischievous look takes over her expression.

“Well, then I guess we’ll just have to do it all over again.” Then she lifts her hips taking me in deeper and it’s my turn to moan. My resolve shifts and I start moving with her. I feel myself building towardly release and she rotates her hips, pushing me further.

“Yes,” Zoey pants and I lift my upper body using my elbows for support, watching her build and build, biting her lip as she arches into me. “Mm, so good.” She adds and I have to agree.

Nothing has ever felt this incredible.

I feel her tighten, her hips jerking, and I thrust forward harder and faster. She yells my name and I’m too lost to even consider covering her mouth as my lower stomach coils and I get lost in my own release. Pushing deep, she pulsates, and again my toes curl and a shiver rakes through my entire body from head to toe.

I see stars, my body growing limp, as I bring my forehead to rest upon her shoulder. Her heated breaths fan out over my neck, and I turn into her, pressing a kiss just below her ear.

I’m just about to tell her how incredible she makes me fell when I hear “Mommy” echo down the hall. My body freezes and I quickly roll over taking the blanket with me.

Zoey laughs, climbing out of bed, and grabbing her robe. “Now who’s hiding?”

“Go.” I motion her along and she leaves the room laughing to herself the entire way.

By the time she makes it back, I am in my boxers with my T-shirt on, and she steps inside the room, closing and locking the bedroom door behind her.

I watch as she walks toward me and climbs onto my lap straddling me.
