Page 41 of Fooling the Forward

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“Like that’ll happen,” he says.

“Watch and learn, little brother.” She whirls around and disappears again.

What the fuck?

I move in the direction I think she went until I see someone to my left. Hugging the triangular shaped structure I’m behind, I peer closer. It’s Christos, and he’s aiming his gun at Calista’s back.

Fuck that shit.

I hurry forward, shooting him before he can get her. His vest lights up and flashes and Calista spins around. I see the moment when she realizes he was about to eliminate her. Christos turns to see who shot him, and I wave. He holds up his middle finger and stalks back toward the starting point.

Calista keeps her gun at the ready in front of her, as if she thinks I’m going to shoot her.

I move toward her. “You’re safe with me.”

“I can’t be lulled into a false sense of security. I have three brothers and I know all’s fair in war.”

I’m almost to her when she dives into a ninja roll that brings her to the next wall. I’d think I was seeing things if she didn’t do it another time. Raising her gun, she takes aim, then throws her hand in the air.

I hurry over and find Murphy with his jeans hanging loose and Wendy is bent over one of the half walls in front of him with her ass exposed. I break into laughter. He got shot mid-coitus. This gives an all new meaning to coitus-interruptus.

As if that wasn’t savage enough, Calista skips around to the front of the half wall and shoots Wendy’s chest sensor. “Sorry, not sorry,” she says. She blows them a kiss before taking off once more.

Goddamn, she’s a sexy badass. I push down on my dick. I never thought I’d be getting hard during a game of laser tag, but here I am. Then again, I’ve never played this game with Calista before.

I hear a scream up ahead and get moving. Both Kaiden and Rori’s chest sensors are flashing.

“What happened?” I ask.

“Calista got us,” Kaiden explains.

Damn. That’s my girl.

“Good luck,” Rori says, as I push on.

If my calculations are correct, there are only four of us remaining in the game.

“Noooo!” Evie shouts.

Make that three.

When I come upon Evie, she’s muttering to herself. She’s taking the loss harder than I thought she would.


She nods. “Yeah, she came at me like a ninja. I didn’t stand a chance.”

“You put up a good fight,” I say, patting her on the arm.

“Thanks. Watch out for her. She’s a wily one.”

I nod. “I will.”

Bolting forward, I maneuver around the obstacles as quickly as I can. Darius and Calista are farther along than I thought. When I finally catch sight of them, Calista is belly crawling on the floor to get closer to Darius. Her short, tight dress is rising up the back of her delectable thighs. She’s almost to him, and when he finally notices, it’s too late. In a split second she has her gun positioned and fires, hitting his sensor.

She jumps to her feet with a whoop of celebration. Throwing her arms in the air, she pogos up and down chanting, “You lose. You lose. I win. I win.”

Clearly, the Kastellanos family’s competitiveness was ingrained in them at a young age.
