Page 71 of Fooling the Forward

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Ryder grins. “Niall O’Rourke, in the flesh.”

This is the guy they were talking about at dinner the night of the bachelor and bachelorette party. Like most hockey players, he’s large and extremely easy on the eyes.

His eyes swing my way. “And who would this lovely lass be?”

Ryder wraps his arm around me, staking his claim like a caveman. “This is my girlfriend, Calista. Calista, this is Niall. He’s the newest player on the Coyotes.”

He shakes my hand. “It’s nice to meet ya. I bet ya have your hands full with this one.” He hooks his thumb at Ryder.

“It’s nice to meet you also,” I say, smiling.

Ryder shakes his head. “I’m a changed man, dude. I’m wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even realize.”

“I do now,” I tease, and they laugh.

“I’m going to go find Darius and congratulate him. I’ll be seeing you on the ice soon.”

“I’m looking forward to having you on our team. You’ll be a great addition.”

“Thanks, man.” They shake hands one more time and he walks away.

“He seems nice,” I say.

“He’s a good guy and a bad-ass player on and off the ice.”

“Oh Lord, just what the hockey world needs, another heartbreaker.”

Ryder smirks. “It’s worked out well for you, hasn’t it?”

I nod. “So far so good, but we’re only a few days in, at least since we became official.”

“Are you doubting my feelings for you, Lis?” His eyes hint at the serious nature of his question. I think I may have hurt his feelings.

“No, I’m not. I was merely stating how new our relationship is, but that doesn’t mean I’m questioning your feelings.”

“Good. I wish there were a way for me to open my heart and show you what I feel for you. But since there isn't, my word will have to suffice.”

“You show me how you feel through your actions, and that’s the most powerful way to prove you love someone. Words can be meaningless, but actions are committed with intent.”

“You also show me. I knew you liked me before you admitted you did,” he says, puffing his chest out.

I pat his cheek. “I don’t think it’s a secret that I didn’t want to fall for you.”



Calistahugs her mom and dad before they leave the reception. “I have something to tell you both,” she says, her eyes swinging briefly to me. “Ryder and I are in a relationship.”

“I care about your daughter very much,” I add.

I’ve known Mr. and Mrs. Kastellanos since I started playing for the Coyotes. They’ve always been friendly to me. But now that Calista has sprung the news about us, I’m hoping that won’t change.

“How adorable.” Her mom pats Calista’s cheek and looks at her husband. “She thinks we don’t already know.”

“Did Darius blab to you?” Calista asks.

She shakes her head. “As if I needed anyone to tell me when my daughter’s sweet on someone. And if I couldn’t tell by looking at you”—she points to Calista—“it’s written all over Ryder’s face every time he looks at you.”
