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Leaving the bathroom, I begin searching for Calista. She’ll calm me down before I do something dumb. Correction: beforeI do another dumb thing. I find her alone, puttering around the kitchen.

“Hey, it’s a party. Take a break,” I say.

Her smile is sheepish. “I can’t help myself.”

“Where is everyone?”

“They moved on to the dining room. Hockey players don’t go very long without eating.”

“I should’ve hidden the crab dip,” I joke.

“Why do you think I made you some extra to take home? Those guys will devour everything by night’s end.”

“Ryder hit the mother lode when he met you. Brains, beauty, and you love to cook.”

She waves off my compliment. “Oh, stop. How do you feel about walking with me down to the barn? I want you to meet the minis.”

“I’d love to.” I’ve heard so much about the mini ponies and cows that their farm rescues, and I’ve never seen any in person before.

“Great. Let’s go,” she says.

We make it out the front door without interruption. The security guards are still there, ensuring no uninvited guests slip inside, as we cross the porch and descend the short staircase.

“The air is so fresh here,” I say, dragging a long breath in through my nostrils. “It smells nice too.”

Calista laughs. “You must like the smell of manure.”

“Ha. Hardly. I can’t smell anything but the pine trees.” And it’s so quiet. It’s eerily silent except for the staccato clacking of my boot’s soles on the pavement. “I hope you know how happy I am for you and Ryder. This beautiful farm is the perfect setting for the rest of your life.”

“Aww, thank you, Luce. You’re so sweet.”

“Shh. Only to you.” She pokes my side, and I squeal, darting to the side of the driveway.

“You’re such a liar. You’re the kindest person I know.”

I clear the emotion from my throat and change the subject. “How about those Pirates?”

Calista titters. “I know as much about football as you do about hockey.”

“So you know nothing?” I joke.

“Exactly. Well, I do know I like their outfits.”

I howl with laughter to the point where my watering eyes prevent me from continuing.

“What?” she asks.

I blot the happy tears away, still snickering. “They’re not outfits. They’re uniforms.”

She laughs. “Well, whatever they are, they look damn good.”

“I agree one hundred percent.”

She points to the large, red barn. “All the minis are inside for the night.”

“Who takes care of them?” I ask. It’s hard to imagine my elegant friend mucking out the stalls.

“Mostly, it’s Ryder and his dad, Walter. Obviously, during hockey season, Walter handles the bulk of their care.”
