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I feign innocence, my expression one of mild surprise. “Turtles on the boat? I have no idea what you're talking about,” I respond, trying to play it cool.

Chris arches an eyebrow, his hazel eyes narrowing in a knowing manner. “Come on, Em,” he says in a hushed tone. “I told you that night on the yacht—you have to be careful with these stunts. I can only cover for you so many times.”

“What? Just because you caught me at the party doesn't mean...”

“Em…” he interrupts me with a warning tone.

I sigh, realizing that my brother isn't as oblivious as I had hoped. “Okay, fine,” I admit, my tone conceding defeat. “It was me. Lily and I left those paper turtles. We just wanted to raise awareness about the turtles and the light pollution issue.”

Chris nods, his expression softening. “I get it, Em, I really do,” he says, his voice filled with understanding. “But you have to remember, not everyone here at the marina is as laid back as I am. Some of the yacht owners can be pretty uptight, and they won't take kindly to this kind of thing. Just be careful, okay?”

I nod, appreciating my brother's concern. “I will, Chris,” I promise. “I just... I can't help myself sometimes. I'm so passionate about this cause, and I want to make a difference.”

He smiles, ruffling my hair affectionately. “I know, Em,” he says. “And I admire your passion. Just remember to channel your energy in a way that won't get you into too much trouble. Now, let's grab a coffee.”

I nod enthusiastically, and then I watch as Chris carefully closes his laptop. He slides the sleek device into his bag and stands up from the picnic table, stretching his arms overhead.

We make our way along the boardwalk, the salty breeze tangling with our hair as we stroll. Chris updates me on his latest coding project, explaining it in terms even I can grasp. I chat about my favorite class but complain about my professor’s grading methods.

As we approach a charming little coffee shop, the scent of freshly brewed coffee drifts out to greet us, drawing us in.

Chapter ten


Itake a leisurely sip of the smooth whiskey, savoring the rich, smoky flavor as it warms my throat.

“Guys, remember that time we sailed through the thunderstorm off the coast of the Bahamas?” Chris asks, a mischievous glint in his eye.

The setting sun casts a warm, golden glow over Sovereign Harbor, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. We're perched on the deck of Ben's extravagant yacht, a place I've found myself on once again.

Ben chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. “How could I forget? Alex nearly had a heart attack that night.”

I can't help but roll my eyes, grumbling, “Hey—it was a perfectly reasonable reaction to lightning striking so close to the mast.”

“What about when we raced our yachts to the Bahamas?” Ben asks.

I chuckle as the memories flood back. “Oh, howcouldI forget? Chris, you were so sure your yacht was faster, but Ben's had the edge that day.”

Chris adjusts his glasses and responds, “Well, I did let you have that one, Ben, to boost your ego.”

The three of us burst into laughter, the sound carrying across the marina. Our conversation is filled with stories of adventure, challenges, and the enduring friendship that has anchored us in this exclusive corner of the world.

“Those were the good times,” Chris muses, his eyes glancing over the tranquil harbor where our yachts have been moored side by side for years now.

“Oh, yah—been through hell,” Ben chimes in, raising his glass in a toast. “To years of friendship, shared adventures, and countless yacht parties.”

I nod in agreement, acknowledging the history we've created together.

Our joyous moment is short-lived as my first mate, Nathan, abruptly steps aboard Ben’s yacht. We all turn our heads in his direction, and I frown.

Irritation bubbles up within me as soon as I notice him, and I can't hide my impatience.

“What now?” I snap, my tone sharper than I intended. “Can't you see we’re in the middle of our whiskeys here?”

Nathan recoils slightly at my outburst. I can feel Ben and Chris exchange awkward glances, clearly taken aback by my outburst. The atmosphere crackles with tension.

“I was just checking in to see if you wanted me to refuel the ship,” Nathan falters.
