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“Surprise!” Lily exclaims, hopping off the couch.

I can't help but chuckle at her antics. “Lily, what's all this about?”

She laughs. I watch as she replaces the pizza box in the delivery man’s hand with a stack of cash.

“Keep the change,” she tells him before closing the door. She walks to our tiny kitchen and sets down the pie on the counter.

“Lily, come on!” I say, giggles interrupting my words. “When did you even order this?”

She grins. “Well, I heard you stomping around in here, and I figured you could use a distraction. So, I took the liberty of ordering us some pizza.”

I'm so touched by her thoughtfulness and gesture. “You're the best, Lily,” I say with a warm smile.

We settle in for a cozy pizza night, and as we share slices and stories, I can't help but appreciate the friendship I have withLily. She always knows how to brighten my day, even when I'm dealing with the complexities of life.

As the evening unfolds, Lily and I decide to take our impromptu pizza party to the small fire escape outside our apartment window. It's a cozy spot that offers a unique view of Miami's bustling streets below. We carefully make our way through the window, each of us holding a slice of pizza in hand, and sit down on the metal grating.

The warm city lights paint a vibrant backdrop against the night sky, casting a soft glow on our faces as we savor our meal. The sounds of the city, distant sirens, laughter from nearby restaurants, and the hum of traffic create an urban symphony surrounding us.

I squint in the direction of the ocean, and I find that I’m able to make out the marina in the distance. I shake my head, thinking again about how it’s Alex, the very man I can’t get out of my mind, who’s responsible for the pollution happening over there.

I push the thoughts away and instead focus on my meal with Lily. We chat, laugh, and enjoy the simple pleasure of sharing a meal, perched high above the city streets. Our friendship feels even stronger in these moments, and I'm reminded of the little joys that life in Miami can offer, even through uncertainty.

As we finish eating, however, Lily looks at me with concern.

“Emily,” she begins, “I really think you should stay away from Alex. I mean, seriously, he's not the kind of person you want to be involved with, especially considering your passion for the environment. Not to mention… he’s a little old, right?”

I can see the worry in Lily's expression, and I know she's saying this out of genuine concern for me. It's not just about her environmental principles; she's also thinking about my well-being.

I sigh and run a hand through my curly brown hair, feeling conflicted.

“Lily, I get what you're saying; I really do,” I reply, “but there's something about him. Something I can't quite explain. And besides, it's not like we're getting serious or anything. It was just a moment. Well…” I pause, thinking about our intimacy on the lounge chair. “...two times.”

Lily’s eyes widen. “You hooked up with himtwice?”

I nod, feeling embarrassed. “…We just have this crazy spark,” I say. "When I’m with him… nothing else in the world matters but us together. He sets my entire body on fire with just a touch…”

I pause for a moment, letting my eyes close as I picture our last encounter.

Lily's voice softens a bit, but she still seems apprehensive. “I just don't want to see you hurt, Emily. And I worry about how he might affect your work at Sovereign Harbor.”

I nod, understanding her perspective. “I promise I'll be careful, Lily. And as for Sovereign Harbor, I'll make sure my commitment to the environment stays strong, no matter what.”

We continue our conversation—a mix of concern, support, and lingering doubts—about my involvement with Alex.

As the night gets deeper, slowly but surely, my heart starts feeling a bit lighter, knowing I wasn't alone in my feelings.

Chapter twenty


“Damn it!” Ben says, pushing away from the poker table. His chair scrapes across the floor as he does, making an ear-splitting sound. “Can’t we even have poker night without getting a business call?”

I shake my head. “You have to put it on silent, man,” I tell him, shuffling the cards in my hand.

“No way,” Ben says. “It’s an important client.”

“You know how that can be, Alex,” Chris says. “Give him a break.”

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