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I stop pacing and whirl around to stare at my best friend. “Excuse me?” I say. “Why do I have to do it?”

The idea of talking to Alex again… and confronting him about his lies? I can already feel my heart pounding, my lips yearning for his…

“You have to do it,” Lily says. “You’ll be on his yacht as part of your new job. You’ll be able to catch him off guard and really drive our idea home.”

I contemplate the impending confrontation with Alex. I know that facing him about his broken promises will likely ignite sparks of passion and tension that I desire and want to avoid at the same time. But this situation demands a different kind of resolution.

I remind myself that this is a battle not just for us but for the environment. The sea turtles and the ocean deserve more than empty promises, and I'm determined to hold him accountable.

While part of me wishes I could simply ignore the situation and continue down the path of uncertainty, I also understand that this is something that must be done. It's a challenging but necessary step toward making a change and protecting the sea life we hold dear.

And I think I know how to approach Alex Cooper this time.

Chapter twenty-two


Ifind myself standing at the altar, bathed in soft, golden light, surrounded by an aura of serenity. There is anticipation in the air, and my heart races with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

And then, in the distance, I see her.


She appears at the end of the aisle, beautiful in a breathtaking wedding gown that seems to shimmer with every step she takes. Her radiant smile captures the essence of pure happiness.

Her eyes meet mine as she walks towards me, and time seems to stand still. Everything else fades away in that moment, leaving only the two of us in this sacred space. I'm overwhelmed by a profound sense of love and connection.

I am the groom, and Emily is the bride.

I wake up abruptly, my heart pounding from the vivid dream that had enveloped me just moments ago. For a brief moment, I struggle to distinguish between the realm of dreams andthe reality of my cabin. The vision of Emily in her wedding gown lingers, and the intensity of it all leaves me stunned and breathless.

What was that all about?I wonder, stunned.

I sit up in my bed, feeling a sense of disorientation wash over me. In the dream, my emotions ran wild, unburdened by the constraints of logic or reason. I feel my cock in full erection—which is not unnatural first thing in the morning—but somehow makes me feel a bit embarrassed after seeing Emily in my dream.

With deliberate steps, I swing my legs out of bed and stand up, needing to ground myself in the present moment. The room feels small, almost suffocating, as the remnants of the dream linger in the corners of my mind.

I head to the ensuite bathroom, turn on the faucet, and splash cold water onto my face. The sensation jolts me back to reality, and I stare at my reflection in the mirror. The face that gazes back at me is that of a man filled with many conflicting emotions.

I take a deep breath, attempting to reassert control over my thoughts and feelings. The reasons why Emily and I can't be together flood my mind like an unwelcome but necessary truth. She's my buddy's sister, significantly younger, and, above all, she rejected me when I asked her out.

As I towel off my face, I steel myself for the day ahead, understanding that my path is one of duty, responsibility, and the confines of societal expectations. The dream may have stirred my heart, but the reality I face is much colder and more complex.

I step out onto the deck, the morning sunlight reflecting off the glistening sea, and for a moment, I'm lost in the beauty of the harbor. But my daydream is short-lived as I notice a figure on the dock, someone I hadn't expected to see.


“Emily…?” I call out, stunned.

There she stands, wearing a green sundress that whips around her legs as the sea breeze carries the garment. Her presence startles me, her unexpected appearance on the dock outside my yacht leaving me momentarily speechless.

“Hey, Alex,” she calls up to me. “Come down here,” she asks.

What does she want?I wonder, my heart pounding.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

She crosses her arms. Even from this distance, I can see her roll her eyes.
