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We continue to observe the eclectic mix of individuals passing by, sharing occasional commentary and laughs.

As we watch the bustling scene below, Lily and I eventually find ourselves circling back to the topic on my mind… my complicated relationship with Alex.

“I can't believe you slept with that jerk, Em.” she begins, a gust of warm wind blowing hair into her face.

I can sense the disapproval in her tone. I nod in agreement, my voice cautious as I respond. “I know, Lily, I know. It wasn't my finest moment, alright?”

Part of me wants to feel the same resentment that Lily is expressing, to chastise myself for succumbing to my desires that night. But deep down, beneath all the uncertainty and confusion, a part of me can't help but defend him, even if I shouldn't.

“It's just... it's complicated, Lily,” I finally admit, my voice tinged with vulnerability. “There's more to Alex than meets the eye, and I can't seem to shake these feelings.”

Lily's voice carries a note of skepticism as she leans in, her eyes fixed intently on mine. “You know I’ll always support you,” she says, “If you really think that Alexander Cooper is a good man for you, I will be here.”

“Thank you,” I tell her.

“That being said,” Lily shakes her head, purple hair falling in front of her eyes, “I wouldn't be surprised if he lied to you during that interview for theMiami Times.I mean, do youreallythink he plans to make any changes at all?”

Her words strike a chord of doubt within me, echoing some of my own lingering suspicions. I thought there was genuine sincerity in his eyes when he talked about wanting to make a change…and it's hard to ignore the spark of connection we shared in that moment. But I've seen the indifferent side of him, the one who seemed more interested in profits than the environment.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I lean back on the fire escape. “You know, Lily, I want to believe that he means it,” I admit, my voice tinged with uncertainty. “But with all his wealth and power, I don't know if he will actually prioritize the turtles and the environment over his business interests?”

Lily's eyebrows furrow. “Hey, I know,” she suggests. “Why don’t we take a look for ourselves?”

She rises to her feet and leans over the railing, squinting toward the marina. It’s, of course, in the same spot that it was when I’d looked earlier.

It doesn't take long to spot the telltale signs of the marina's lights, brighter and more glaring than ever.

“He said he'd make changes,” I mutter, frustration creeping into my voice as I watch the persistent glow of artificial illumination spill into the night sky.

Lily clenches her jaw, clearly as disheartened as I am. “Looks like we were right. Those promises were just empty words,” Lily says.

As we continue to observe the glaring lights from our vantage point, I can't help but feel a mixture of disappointment and determination. If Alex Cooper is indeed going back on his word, we'll need to find a way to hold him accountable. The sea turtles and our shared passion for the environment demand nothing less.

Fuming with frustration and disappointment, Lily and I reluctantly leave our perch on the fire escape and retreat back into the apartment. The weight of our discovery hangs heavily in the air, and it's clear that neither of us can quickly shake off the sense of betrayal.

The room feels smaller, suffocating even, as the reality of Alex's broken promise settles in. It's not just about the sea turtles anymore; it's about integrity and trust.

“I trusted him, Lily,” I finally say, my voice tinged with anger and sadness. “I can't believe he'd go back on his word like that.”

Lily nods, her face equally stormy. “He's a total hypocrite. Saying one thing to our faces and doing the exact opposite."

Lily and I pace back and forth in our apartment, fueled by a shared determination to address the issue at Sovereign Harbor. The bright city lights outside, once a comforting sight, now serve as a stark reminder of the battle we're about to embark on.

Lily breaks the silence, her voice filled with resolve. “We can't let this slide, Em. We have to do something.”

“I know,” I say, my stomach churning with disgust and the wheels in my brain churning with ideas. “But, what?”

“What if we go back to April Skylark?” Lily suggests. “She can write another piece to reveal how big businesses are really justliars!”

I nod. She has a good point, but it makes me uneasy.

“I don’t know,” I admit. “Calling April again might help, but it could also make us look foolish if she's already aware of what's happening."

Lily considers my point before suggesting, “What if we talk to Alex directly? Try to convince him to make the right choice.”

I ponder her suggestion. It's a risky move, given our limited influence, but it might be our best shot. “You're right. We need to appeal to his better nature, and if that doesn't work, we can always use the threat of going to the press as a contingency,” I say.

“Great,” Lily says. “So, when you go to work tomorrow, you can get started on that.”
