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Then, Lily comes up with an idea.

“How about we skip the alcohol tonight and have a movie night instead?”

I nod in agreement, feeling relieved that I won't have to come up with any more excuses not to drink or lie to my friend.

Lily and I settle in on the couch, and I grab the remote to start upFinding Nemo. The cheerful, aquatic world of the movie immediately draws us in, making it easy to forget about the day's events.

As the film progresses, the characters embark on their underwater adventures, and I can't help but chuckle at the anticsof the animated turtles. Crush, the wise and easygoing sea turtle, steals the show with his laid-back personality and surfer lingo.

Lily and I share a knowing look as we both break into laughter.

“Crush is the best,” I say, shaking my head. “If only all turtles were that cool.”

Lily grins, nodding in agreement. “Can you imagine what those real turtles on the beach would say if they could talk?” she muses.

I play along, adopting a humorous tone. “Oh, that would be terrible. I mean, after they saw what Alex and I did… they would probably say something like,‘What are those crazy humans doing now?’”

We both burst into laughter at the thought, the absurdity of it all adding to our amusement. Moments like these, shared laughter and light-hearted banter, remind me of the bond Lily and I share.

Despite the challenges life throws our way, we always find a way to bring joy into each other's lives.

After the movie ends with the credits rolling, we stretch and yawn, signaling it's time to call it a night. We both get up from the couch, preparing to head to our respective bedrooms.

“Goodnight, Lily,” I say with a warm smile, grateful for her company and support. “Thank you again for everything tonight.”

“Goodnight, Em,” she replies, returning the smile. "Sleep well."

Lying in bed, I start to reflect on the events of the day.

The image of the sea turtles and their nests on the beach stands out vividly in my mind. Those majestic creatures have a way of reminding me of the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

And then there's Alex—the man who has stirred up so much in me, from desire to uncertainty. I do miss him now that I'm by myself in my room. I can't help but smile at how he makesme feel…and how he's really changed—reminding me of the gorgeous, mysterious man I'd fallen for at the masquerade party the night we met.

I haven't told him about the pregnancy yet, but one thing is clear.

I'm determined to protect this new life growing inside me, no matter the challenges that lie ahead.

Chapter twenty-eight


“Alex, are you going to keep your winning streak going tonight?” Chris says, flashing a sly grin, seemingly completely over the drama of earlier.

I chuckle and reply, “We'll see. Luck's a fickle thing.”

Ben shuffles the deck of cards expertly and adds, “Don't worry, man. I've got a feeling tonight's your night.”

With the cards dealt and chips stacked, we dive into the game, the soft sounds of shuffling cards and clinking chips filling the air. Ben, always the joker, occasionally breaks into an impression, try to keep the atmosphere light.

“Hey, guys,” Ben begins, his voice laced with humor, “Did you hear about the poker player who got locked in the bathroom?”

Chris and I exchange curious glances, ready for one of Ben’s classic punchlines. The look in his eye makes me think perhaps he seems to be warming up to me… if only a little.

Ben grins widely before delivering the punchline.

“He couldn't find the flush!”

We all burst into laughter.
