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My world is falling apart.

I want to say the words, but I can’t get my mouth to speak.

“Okay,” Lily says calmly.

Slowly, she sets her mug down and gently leads me to the bathroom.

Oh, my…

As I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I'm struck by the reflection that meets my eyes. It's not the image I'm used to seeing, not the composed and confident Emily. Instead, I see a disheveled version of myself, showing the haunting depth of hurt and pain that have gripped my heart.

My makeup, once carefully applied, is now a streaked mess of mascara and eyeliner. Trails of tears have painted their pathdown my cheeks, smudging the foundation and blush I had put on hours ago. My eyes, usually bright and lively, now appear puffy and tired.

My hair, a chaotic tangle of strands, has lost the neatness I had meticulously styled earlier. It hangs in disarray, framing my face with a wild abandon that mirrors the tumult within me. It's a stark contrast to the polished look I usually present to the world.

Lily looks at me with a mix of concern and sympathy, saying, “Alright, let's clean you up and talk about what happened.”

With a heavy heart, we move to the bedroom. Lily is like my rock, waiting to provide comfort and understanding. Her presence alone is a soothing balm to my wounded spirit.

“I’m going to bring you a cup of tea,” she says. Lily's warm smile offers a reassuring embrace, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and empathy.

I nod and sit on my bed, letting my emotions wash over me. I hear Lily rummaging around in the kitchen for a while before returning with the tea in hand.

She gives me a gentle hug, the kind that doesn't require words, as her comforting presence speaks volumes. We share a moment of unspoken understanding, the type of bond that transcends mere friendship.

As we sit together, she hands me the cup of fragrant herbal tea. The steam wafts up in delicate tendrils, promising comfort and warmth. It's a small gesture, but the cup of tea means the world to me in this vulnerable moment.

I feel a twinge of embarrassment as she hands me a tissue. With tender care, she helps me remove the smeared makeup, one stroke at a time, as if cleansing not just my face but also the inner chaos that clings to me. The feeling of each swipe is a physical release, a shedding of the weight that had been carried in my tears.

Lily then offers me a pair of soft, comfortable pajamas. It's another gesture of thoughtfulness.

As I change into the pajamas, I can't help but feel grateful for Lily's unwavering presence. Her friendship is a refuge in this storm, a reminder that even when I falter and face difficult moments, there are people who care about me and who stand by me through thick and thin.

With the makeup gone and the pajamas embracing me in their softness, I take a deep breath and prepare to confide in Lily about the tumultuous situation that has led me to this moment. The depth of my gratitude and the strength of our friendship will help carry me through the conversation that awaits.

I take a deep breath, ready to confide in her about the whole situation.

“It's just…” My words are strained as I try to stop myself from balling my eyes out again. “I had such a good thing going with Alex, but then I ruined it.”

Lily nods slowly, processing. Then, I remember how angry she sounded on the phone.

“Lily, I'm so sorry for keeping this from you,” I say with a heavy heart. “I should have told you about the pregnancy.” Lily looks at me, her expression a mix of hurt and understanding.

Lily's eyes show traces of her frustration, but she sighs and finally speaks. “Em, you know I'm not angry about the pregnancy, right? I'm just hurt because you kept it from me…but I do understand why you did that.” She reaches out to put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I nod and look down, my voice wavering. “I understand. I was scared, and I didn't know how to say it.”

She takes a moment to collect her thoughts. “I wish you'd have trusted me, Emily. We've always been there for each other, through thick and thin.”

Tears glisten in my eyes, and I try to find the right words.

“I just wish Alex were as understanding as you are. I'm terrified to face him right now,” I say.

Lily's tone remains reassuring as she insists, “You should've told him, Em, but you needed to do it when you were ready. And trust me, he can't stay mad for long.”

She puts a comforting arm around me. “Go back and talk to him; make things right.”

Reluctantly, I nod. “You're right, Lily. I need to face this.” I turn to look at her. “The thing is, he’s furious.Beyondangry.”
