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“Well then,” Lily says. “I guess we should make it up to him first,” she gives me a reassuring raise of one eyebrow. “We have to start brainstorming some ideas.”


As the morning sun filters through my cabin's porthole, a wave of confusion crashes over me, mingling with the alcohol-induced fog. I'd been drinking solo last night, and now my head is throbbing. I dress with a heavy heart, the knowledge of Emily's pregnancy weighing on my mind. While I've never been against having children of my own someday, I'm not sure if this is the right time to have a baby. What bothers me most is the fact that Emily didn't confide in me.

I understand that Emily might have her reasons for keeping it a secret, but that doesn't make the situation any easier to bear.

With a deep sigh, I leave my cabin, knowing I need to address the situation, even if my emotions are still a turbulent sea inside me.

As I step onto the deck, my mind preoccupied with the swirling thoughts about Emily and our recent argument, a voice calls out my name from behind.

“Mr. Cooper?”

I turn to see who it is, my emotions still a tangled mess.

“Max?” I call out to the mechanic standing below on the docks.

“Hi!” he says. “I was just over there adjusting the light mechanics, but then some woman approached me.”

I raise an eyebrow, urging him to go on.

“Well, she approached me,” Max explains. “She said she had a package for you. She seemed in a hurry, so I said I would bring it to you.”

He holds up the box in the air.

Curious, I step down from my yacht so I can face Max.

“What did she look like?” I ask.

Max thinks. “Curly brown hair, green eyes…”

That’s definitely Emily.

“I’ll take the box,” I say.

I thank Max and return to my yacht.

After a moment, I settle into a lounge chair on the deck. Curious, I open it right away, wondering what surprises might be concealed within.

Then there, in the box, is a blue paperback book. In bold, yellow letters is the title,The Great Gatsby.

Why would Emily send me this?

But when I open the front cover, I discover a handwritten note. My fingers tremble slightly as I pick up the note and begin to read the words scrawled on the page.


I hope this message reaches both your heart and your eyes.

As you already know, I'm carrying our love, a precious secret I kept hidden for too long. For that, I'm so sorry. It was out of fear and uncertainty…

Do you remember that night when we met at Ben's party? I remember our conversation about The Great Gatsby,and it was there that I realized you were capturing my heart. With every word and every smile, my feelings grew stronger…deeper.

Alex, I've fallen in love with you more than I ever thought possible. And now, I want to make things right, to be honest and open with you. I hope you can find it within your heart to forgive me for my silence.


