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“He’s going to make it…because of us,” Emily whispers.

In the reduced light pollution, the horizon is clear, and the vast expanse of the ocean stretches out before us. Other baby sea turtles, marked by the same iridescent glow of the moon, can be seen making their own journey to the water.

It's a breathtaking sight, a reminder of the wonders of the natural world and the positive impact we can have by protecting it. Emily and I exchange a glance, sharing in the silent beauty ofthe moment as we watch these little hatchlings embark on their incredible journey.

After a while, I turn to Emily with a sense of awe in my voice.

“This is incredible, Emily.”

She nods, her eyes fixed on the baby turtle's journey. “They wouldn't have had a chance if it weren't for the dimmed lights.”

I take her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. “You were right all along, Em.”

She smiles, her gaze never leaving the sea turtle. “It's all connected, Alex. It's our responsibility to make a difference.”

We watch in silence as the baby sea turtle finally reaches the water, disappearing into the depths of the ocean, and I'm filled with pride for what we've done. I wrap my arms around Emily from behind and tenderly rest my hands on her growing belly. I press a soft kiss to her neck, feeling the warmth of her skin under my lips.

"Remember when we told Chris about the baby?" I whisper.

"He was so excited! I mean—I could tell he was in shock. But I saw the joy in his eyes when he realized he's going to be an uncle and his best friend's going to be a dad."

Emily leans back into my chest, a smile spreading across her face as she recalls the moment.

"We're going to make so many beautiful memories together," she says softly, her voice filled with anticipation.

I can't wait to show you all the joys of the world…little one.

Chapter thirty-seven

Epilogue: Emily

Asoft, melodic babbling fills the air, and I glance down to see my daughter cradled in my arms, her bright eyes wide with wonder.

“And what are you laughing at, sweetie?” I coo.

In her innocence, she watches the turtles with pure fascination, her tiny hands clapping together as if to applaud the courageous journey of these newborn creatures. Her laughter rings out like the tinkling of wind chimes in the gentle ocean breeze.

I can't help but smile at her babbles.

“Abby's really something, isn’t she?” Alex says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and looking down at his daughter.

She sure is a perfect blend of both of us.

As I stand on the beach, the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides a soothing backdrop to the remarkable scene before me. It's a warm, starry night, and the moonlight casts a silvery glow over the sand, illuminating the path that stretches before me.

It's the same beach where Alex had proposed to me. I was eight months pregnant then, with a glow that matched the setting sun. I remember how he had knelt before me, his eyes filled with love and hope for our future together. It had been a simple proposal, but it had meant everything to me. I had suggested waiting to tie the knot until after Abby was born, but really, it didn't matter. What mattered the most was that I knew I was exactly where I needed to be—with the man I loved.

In the distance, sea turtles return to the ocean. We helped them once, and now they thrive, just like we do. I couldn’t be happier about the changes we've made, which have brought an astonishing transformation to this beach. The baby sea turtles are emerging in even greater numbers than the year before.

I can't help but share my amazement with Alex.

“Look at them, Alex," I say, my voice filled with awe. "April's article said there are even more turtles this year. It's incredible!”

Alex smiles down at our baby and then back at me. “Yes, it is, Em,” he says. “We did our part, and it's made a difference. I'm so proud of you.”

I reach out to hold both my loves close. “I'm proud ofus,” I say. “For Abby’s future and for these beautiful creatures.”

I hold my precious child in my arms, the little one gazing curiously at the world around them. As I stand on the tranquil beach, I can't help but feel a surge of contentment, knowing how far we've come in the past year.
