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Weeks later, as I carefully adjust a quirky jellyfish decoration hanging on the yacht, Ben approaches me with a grin.

He comments, “You know, Alex, Emily has quite the knack for party planning. Thisunderwater glow-in-the-dark theme is perfect.”

I nod in agreement, acknowledging Emily's efforts.

“It's impressive, isn't it? She's really gone all out once again. Plus, it's an excellent solution to save on the lights. Everyone's having a great time without the need for excessive lighting.”

Ben chuckles and adds, “That's your Emily, always resourceful. She sure knows how to throw a one-of-a-kind party. For that, I have to lift the ban on her joining my party.”

I roll my eyes and shoot him a knowing look. The transformation of the party area really is quite amazing. The deep blue and turquoise decor, the shimmering accents, and the subtle aquatic lighting have turned the yacht into an enchanting underwater realm.

The drapes that shimmer like bioluminescent sea creatures are at the center of the party. The iridescent tablecloths and sparkling seashell centerpieces refract the dim light, much like Emily's presence has illuminated my world.

She's the spark that brings out this hidden beauty.

As I feel the intimacy of the party closing in around me, I decide to seek a breath of fresh air. I'm yearning for a moment alone with Emily.

With a soft smile, I ask, “Emily, do you want to step outside for a bit? It's getting a bit stuffy in here.”

Her eyes meet mine, and she nods in agreement.

“Sure,” she responds.

Together, we slip away from the vibrant glow of the party, hand in hand. The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the yacht's hull creates a soothing background to our conversation. I can feel the tension of the party melting away as we relax in each other's presence.

I break the silence, saying, “I'm surprised Ben managed to pull off this glow-in-the-dark theme. I've never seen anything quite like it. Your idea really knocked it out of the park.”

Emily smiles, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. “Yes, it's like a dream come true, right? I think everyone's having a great time.”

“I mean, making it anunderwaterparty theme?” I add, “Just different enough to bring people together but not enough to hurt light pollution. I mean, look around us!”

As we gaze out into the dark harbor, I'm struck by the serenity of the scene. The shimmering reflection of the moon on the water gives the dark expanse a silver sheen, and it feels as though we're floating in a sea of stars. The distant lights of boats at anchor and the occasional twinkle from far offshore are just dim enough not to cause light pollution. It's a moment of quiet beauty and tranquility, allowing us to forget about the world outside and simply be present in this intimate space.

“Wait,” Emily says, drawing my attention. “What’s that?”

Intrigued and slightly puzzled, I glance toward the shoreline, my eyes straining to make out the source of Emily’s attention.

There, in the distance, I see a faint, small movement. Then, another one nearby.

What is that?I wonder.

“Oh! My! God!”

Emily's squeal breaks through the night air, and before I can react, she darts off the yacht and toward whatever has caught her attention. Without hesitation, I follow her, curious to discover the cause of her excitement.

When she suddenly ducks behind a bush near the water's edge, I do the same, crouching down beside her, my eyes fixed on whatever has captured her attention.

“Look,” she whispers to me, pointing.

I crouch alongside Emily, our breaths held in awe as we watch… a baby sea turtle slowly, yet determinedly, making its way out of its sandy nest.

My jaw drops open. I’m amazed by this little creature, working as hard as he can, trying to find the shore.

“It’s beautiful,” I say softly.

Its tiny flippers work tirelessly as it pushes against the sand, and the moonlight glistens on the wet sand around it. The baby turtle, no bigger than the palm of my hand, is a precious marvel of nature.
