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Eventually, his mouth pulled away from hers, leaving her breathless and clawing at his shoulders. “Oh, lordamercy. You don’t kiss like a scholar.”

“That’s rather good to hear,” he said between nibbles on her earlobe. “Have you kissed a lot of scholars?”

Her fingers found their way to his hair, which was soft and tousled because she’d convinced him not to slick it down. She liked touching it. “Just you.”

“Good.” That possessive note in his voice was rather pleasing.

Maylee moved closer to him, unable to avoid the press of his c**k into her stomach. Her fingers were aching to curl around his shaft, but she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about her. She was all for kissing and making out and cuddling in bed, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for sex with him. She wanted commitment, and she knew he wasn’t sure he was going to head in that direction, ever. That was fine with her, but they needed to be clear on things. “Griff,” she murmured, and clenched as his tongue slicked against her sensitive earlobe. “Oh, lordamercy.”

“What is it?” His fingers brushed aside her curls, and she felt the hot press of his chest against her pajama top. The tips of her br**sts were scraping against him in the most wickedly delicious tease ever.

“We should talk about . . . uh . . . this.” She was having a hard time concentrating as he nibbled on her earlobes. Who knew they were so sensitive? Every time his teeth grazed over them, it felt like they were touching other, more sensitive parts of her anatomy.

“What about this, exactly?”

“I’m just not sure how far I’m ready to go . . .” Oh, his mouth was making things so difficult to concentrate.

“I told you, Maylee,” he murmured against her throat, and she tilted her head back so he could continue to run his mouth along the sensitive skin. “We’ll go as far as you want to go. I will follow your lead.”

“That’s good,” she told him. “That’s really good.” His mouth found her earlobe again and her knees went weak. “Oh, God, that’s really good.”

“Want to get on the bed?” His husky whisper made her sex clench in response, and she felt her pulse pounding in response.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Let’s.”

Griffin gently tugged her with him, and the backs of her knees hit the mattress. She fell backward, and a moment later, Griffin was on top of her.

A low moan escaped her when his thighs pushed between her own, and his c**k rubbed against the cradle of her sex.

“You feel so good under me,” he murmured, still kissing her neck. “Did you want to be on top since you’re in charge?”

“No.” Her voice was so breathless. “I like you there.”

“Do you like me here?” He thrust against the crotch of her pajamas, his na**d c**k rubbing against her.

She gave a whimper of pleasure in response. She liked that far too much. Her nails dug into his back again, and she pulled his mouth to hers for another wild kiss.

“How about,” he murmured between frantic, licking kisses, “tonight you keep everything on and we’ll take it from there? Yes?”

Oh, lordamercy, his mouth was making her regret her initial reluctance. It was doing sinful things to her. “You don’t mind taking it slow?”

“Not if you don’t mind me running my hands all over you.”

She shook her head. She rather liked that, actually.

“Can I put my hands on your br**sts?” His tongue slicked into her mouth again, distracting her from the question for a long moment. He stated it again.

“Yes,” she breathed, practically arching against him at the thought. Oh, she wanted his mouth there, but his hands would be the next best thing.

One large, warm palm cupped her breast and Maylee sucked in a gasp.

“Mmm. Perfect size,” Griffin told her. “Plump and delicious. What color are your ni**les? Pale pink?”

“Y-yes.” His fingers were rubbing the tip of her breast through the fabric, and her h*ps jerked involuntarily in response. God, it had been so long since she’d had sex. Had it always felt this good to fool around?

“They feel tiny,” he told her, and his thumb traced the tip. “Small, pale ni**les on plump br**sts. I can’t wait to see that for myself.”

“Soon,” she breathed.

“Not tonight,” he agreed. His h*ps wedged further between her thighs, pressing deeper, and before she knew what she was doing, Maylee flexed her knees and then she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him in until he rested perfectly atop her pu**y.

Her hands moved to his ass, and she felt the taut muscles there. “Mmm. Not a scholar’s ass, either.”

Griffin chuckled at that. “I’m glad you find me so appealing.”

“Oh, I do,” she said dreamily. “I do indeed.”

He thrust between her legs, and she gasped. The fabric protected her from penetration, but she still felt the heat of him wedge against her in hopeful glory, felt him push against her aching sex, skimming over her throbbing clit.

“Like that?” There was a tension in his voice that hadn’t been there before, as if he were holding back, judging. If she said no, she knew that he’d stop.

But she didn’t want him to stop. “More,” she begged, her fingers pressuring.

He thrust again, and she moaned. Oh, God, humping with clothes on was almost as good as humping with clothes off. It was way more of a tease, because neither one of them could entirely get what they wanted, but the delicious anticipation was an entirely different level of pleasure. When he thrust again, she heard him groan, too. The friction of the clothing was driving them both insane with lust.

Griffin rocked against her, each thrust rough and wild, and she was safely protected by the fabric of her pajamas. But he wasn’t hitting at quite the right spots; there was too much fabric over her clit, and no matter how much she raised her h*ps and pressed up against him, it wasn’t quite hitting the jackpot for her. Soft whimpers of frustration rose from her throat.

“What do you need?” he gritted between thrusts. “Tell me, Maylee. I want to make it good for you.”

“Need . . . more. I don’t know.” She panted, raising her h*ps to press against the bar of his cock.

“More?” He shifted his weight atop of her and then she felt his hand press between her legs. A moment later, his forefinger rubbed her cl*t through the fabric of her now-soaked pajamas. “Like that, darling?”

Maylee cried out, shocked at how that quick touch could make her entire lower half clench so quickly. She was on the verge of an orgasm instantly, and her cries encouraged Griffin all the more. He rubbed harder, thrusting his c**k against her protected wet warmth.

Her legs flailed and tightened around his hips, and then she made the most unladylike sound ever. “Holy Christ on a cracker!”

And she came with a damp rush and a clenching of muscles that made her entire body tremble with the strength of her orgasm. And she kept cussing as Griffin continued to rub her cl*t through the fabric, his voice soothing even as his c**k pushed and drove at the junction of her pants.

When the stars faded from her eyes, Maylee sighed, trembling. “Oh, God.”

Griffin chuckled, the sound strained. “Good?”

“Incredible,” she murmured. Her hand slid up his side, all warm and damp with a fine layer of sweat, and she noticed that he flinched when she touched him. “What about you?”

“I’ll just . . . have a quick shower.” He began to roll off her.

She locked her legs around his hips, trapping him. “Did you not . . . you know.” She could hear the blush in her voice.

“Come all over you?”

“Something like that,” she told him primly.

He laughed at her shyness. “You can’t say it? You were screaming some rude things just a moment ago.”

She blushed in the dark, glad he couldn’t see her face. Her hands stroked up and down his tense arms. “You know what I meant. You didn’t . . . come?”

He hesitated. “I wasn’t sure how far you wanted to . . . proceed. Me jerking off on your belly and rubbing my cum into your skin is probably not what you had in mind for a make-out session.”

She sucked in a breath, the mental image of that scorching. Was it bad that she wanted that? “Well, now I can’t think of anything but that,” she admitted, and her breath hissed out in a laugh. “Do you want to?”

He groaned, and she felt him collapse on top of her, his hands going to the tangles of her hair. “More than anything else.” He thought for a moment. “Well, almost anything else. Burying myself to the hilt inside you and blasting away sounds right jolly at the moment, too.”

Her hands slid on his damp, delicious skin. “Want me to bare my stomach for you, then?”

This time, it was gratifying to hear him suck in a breath. “Maylee, you don’t have to—”

“I don’t have to do anything,” she reminded him gently. “But I want you to come.”

And she took his hand in hers and began to use their twined hands to drag her sleep shirt up her stomach.

He groaned and sat up over her, still between her legs. She could make out his big form rising over hers in the bed, and she moaned when he fisted a handful of her top and jerked it up to her br**sts.

His fingers trailed down her bare stomach and he groaned in response, his breathing becoming jerky. “You can still back out,” he warned her, rasping.

“Don’t you want to come on me?” she asked him softly.

He groaned again, and his hand pushed under her clothing, grasping her na**d breast. Maylee whimpered in surprise, especially when his fingers roughly began to pluck at her nipple. “Damn. So beautiful.” His voice was a near growl. “So . . . damn . . . beautiful.”

Hot, liquid heat spattered on her stomach, even as he groaned her name.

Maylee lay back, stunned by the eroticism of it. Why was it that what was supposed to be a quick dry-hump had turned into one of the most erotic sexual moments of her life?

Panting, Griffin’s hand moved to her belly and traced around the cum he’d left there. “I should have left the lights on.”

She touched her stomach, uncertain. “Did you get it everywhere? Should I get a towel?”

He chuckled. “No, I just wanted to see you under me, covered in my cum. It’s a primal male thing, I suppose.” He bent down over her and gave her mouth a hard kiss. “And I’ll get the towel.”

The bed creaked as he jumped off, and across the room, a light flicked on. Illuminated by the bathroom light was Griffin’s gloriously na**d backside, all tight muscle and corded, thick thighs. Oh, mercy. Wasn’t that a delicious sight. Maylee felt herself getting aroused all over again, and she blinked with disappointment when the lights went out once more, leaving her in darkness.

Then, Griffin was back in the bed, gently wiping down her stomach and tugging at her pajamas. “You should probably take these off. They’ll need a good cleaning. You can sleep in one of my shirts.”

“Oh. I’m sure I have something else I can sleep in—”

“No,” he said firmly. “I like seeing you in my shirt. Humor me.”

She blushed at that. “All right, Mr. Gri—um, Griff.”

When he got up to get rid of the towel, he returned with a soft T-shirt for her to wear and pressed it into her hand. “Need some help undressing?”

“I think I can manage,” she said in a wry, breathless voice. She quickly stripped out of her clothing and tugged on the shirt, mindful of the noises he made as he moved to the other side of the bed. When she pulled the shirt down, her bottom hung out the other side, and she didn’t have any spare panties with her. “Um. Do you have some boxers?”
