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“Okay, but that doesn’t answer what they want from me. Should you even be here, Papa?”

Dom finally spoke up. “They don’t know he is here. Only me. And we don’t know what they want yet, but we’re looking into it. My guess is, they think if they get their hands on you, they can use you as leverage with the Triad, so they can form their own alliance. The Triad is weak right now. They’re bleeding money and owe a lot of favors. The only thing keeping them afloat was their black-market weapons. If the Cosa Nostra can catch them, they can take over their territories and the trade of illegal arms.”

“You think they want to take over the drugs and weapons trade?”

“Those drugs and weapons get shipped worldwide. The Cosa Nostra own most of the harbors. They want to take over internationally,” Cesare answered.

“The Triad has deep connections in New York and Chicago; it would be a smart move on their part.” Dom added.

“So, what happens next?” I ask.

Papa pulls out a folder from the desk drawer. “Nothing yet. But you need to be vigilant.” He places four images on the desk. “You need to memorize their names and faces.”

“Why can’t you just email this to me?” I ask, looking over the images.

“Because of this guy.” Dom points at the third image in the row.

My eyes practically fall out of my head.

The text under it saysNiccolo ‘Nico’ Delucci—consigliere.

My heart does this pitter patter thing.What the hell.It’s Mr.Tall and Mysterious from the café.

Fuck. I’ve heard the name, but I had never paid the Deluccis any mind. A simple Google search would’ve saved me a lot of trouble. Everyone in NYC—hell, the East Coast knows who they are. To the outside world, the Deluccis are multi-billionaire business owners. To the underworld, they are the Cosa Nostra, one of the most powerful Italian crime syndicates in the nation.

They have complete control of the East Coast.It was easy for them to attain, considering they owned all the docks on this side of the states—at least, that was their legal cover. They also owned most of the clubs and had a solid grip on the construction industry. Ifthe Cosa Nostra didn’t own it, someone was paying them for their protection. If you wanted anything in or out, you’d have to go through them. While they have several enemies, only an idiot would go against them. Even Dom—most of the time, when he’d come to visit me—would use the business as a guise, so he wouldn’t raise suspicions. It was too risky to fly under the radar all the time.

He’s the “consigliere” of the Cosa Nostra, the advisor—meaning, he’s the brains.

I study the image. It’s obviously an older one from a few years ago. I can see it in his face, and the tattoos don’t quite go up his neck just yet. He’s still handsome. His whole family is. No wonder they’re always being written about. I shake my head to stop myself.Snap out of it.He’s the enemy.

“He’s also one of the best hackers out there and probably the one that ordered the grab on you.”

Fan-fucking-tastic. Something is definitely wrong with me. Telling them about my encounter with him won’t make a difference and will only set Dom off.

Papa points to the first image. “Giuseppe Delucci, he just stepped down, and now, his eldest”—he points to the second image—“has taken over as capo.”

The name under it read, “Sebastiano ‘Bash’ Delucci.”

“This is Dante Borelli, their enforcer.”

I take in the images. Luckily, I have an excellent memory; it doesn’t hurt that they’re attractive.Jesus, I’m going to get myself killed.

As I’m taking all of the information in, a thought occurs to me, and my heart feels like it’s going to split. My adoptive dad, while kind, didn’t love me, and the only other dad I’ve known is Cesare.

“You were only raising me to take over the Triad?” I look at him.

“No,” he says firmly. “If I had it my way, I would’ve kept it from you forever. But I knew I couldn’t rob you of your birth right. My plan was to tell you after you graduated. I wanted to give you the tools so you have the choice. If you want to claim the Triad, I know for a fact there are still Triad members who are loyal to the rightful heir and that the Outfit will also stand by you. The choice is yours, bambina. But I will tell you, there’s not much of an option anymore if they know who you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“If they know you exist, Andrew will stop at nothing to make sure you’re dead. You either die or you take over,” Dom answers.

“How do I know they won’t kill me when I take over?”

“You don’t.” They answer at the same time.

Well,that’s lovely.

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