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“Ah, for you,” she gasps.

I move torturously slowly, allowing her to get used to my size. It’s taking everything I have to restrain myself. I want to fuck her so fast and hard. She rocks her hips against mine.

“Faster,” she pleads.

She doesn’t need to ask me twice. Increasing my pace steadily, I fuck her hard and fast, desk shaking and scraping against the tile floors. We’re both cursing and yelling.

“Come for me,” I finally tell her.

She cries out my name as she comes. I swear I see stars as I explode inside of her. This was how it should have been the first time.

We lay there, panting for a minute. Me on top of her. I kiss her neck and work my way back up to her mouth. Our tongues clash as our lungs fight for air.

What was it about her that made me want to kiss her? I usually didn’t care for it during sex, but with her, I wanted more. I wanted everything.

A sexy whimper falls from her mouth when I finally pull out of her to adjust myself and throw the condom into the trash. She doesn’t move right away but follows my movements with her eyes. I motion for her to sit up. Without a word, I pocket her panties and readjust her clothing. She doesn’t fight me.

We stand in the silent classroom. She walks over, grabs her school bag, and nods. I stare at her, but I don’t say anything. I watch her as she walks away, like she couldn’t leave fast enough. Something pink on the floor catches my eye.

Chapter Nine


“Can you run this for prints?” I ask my Uncle Ricky, walking into the back lounge room of one of our clubs.

Looping my finger into the pink water bottle’s loop, I hold it up. Won’t want to mess with the fingerprints.

My Uncle Ricky is our tech guy, my mother’s brother. He could do anything, and if he didn’t know how, he’d learn. But scanning prints he could do in his sleep. I notice Bash on the lounge chair.

“What’s that?” my brother asks.

“Hopefully, that Natalie girl’s prints. I stole her water bottle and want to see what we can pull from them,” I say as I walk over to the table Uncle Ricky is sitting near and set it down.

“Great idea,” Bash says as he gets up and walks over.

“So, you think you can do it?” I ask Uncle Ricky.

“Is that a serious question?” Uncle Ricky pipes back, with his thick Long Island accent as he grabs his kit and pulls on gloves.

He examines the water bottle. “Give me ten minutes.”

I nod. Bash pours me a glass of whiskey, and we sit back down, allowing Uncle Ricky to work.

“Do I even want to know how you got that thing?” he asks.

“Nope.” I smile.

“You better not do anything stupid, Nico,” he demands.

He’s the capo right now, not my brother.

“Relax, man. She was at a cafe and left it behind.” I lie, definitely not telling him what really went down.

My mind immediately drifts back to the last hour, when I had the best sex of my life. I don’t know what it is about this woman that makes my brain short circuit.

“This is weird,” Uncle Ricky says, breaking my train of thought.

And I’m glad he did. Otherwise, I’d have to explain a random boner to my brother.
