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I feel something strange in my chest. The thought of taking her back doesn’t sit well with me. I push it to the back of my mind.

“We’ll keep you updated, and we expect the same courtesy,” Bash says. He’s just about to hang up when she swipes the phone out of his hand.

“Papa, Dom. We’ll talk soon, I promise,” she says to them.

“Good night, sorellina,” Dom says.

“You get some rest now, amore.” Cesare replies right after.

“Oh.” She pauses. “You can call me Anya now.”

“Welcome back,” Cesare says.

You can hear the pride in his voice just before the line goes dead. It amazes me that even Cesare Violante is soft toward her. She definitely isn’t as sweet or as innocent as she looks, but they both speak to her like she was the most delicate thing on the planet. I imagine that’s why the conversation went so well. To outsiders, it might seem like there is a lot of hostility, but as made men, this was about as good a meeting could get. Anya heads off to bed—my bed—as Bash and I hang back in his office to discuss some business.

After a few hours, I’m ready to crash for the day. I walk into my room and find Anya has already snuggled up, reading, coincidentally,The Art of War. She doesn’t even look up, as if me coming toour bedroomis an everyday occurrence. I can get used to this. She’s in one of those white granny nightgowns. I shake my head and laugh as I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. No doubt Cosima bought her hideous clothes out of spite. Her mission failed because this woman could pull off a trash bag. I shoot a text to Valentina to go buy a new wardrobe.

When I come back out, she’s still reading but looks up at me with a smirk on her face. I look at the bed and see the reason for her expression. She’s taken every single throw pillow within a fifty-mile radius and created a wall in the center of the Alaskan king bed.

She closes the book, turns off the lamp on her side of the bed, and lays down, turning her back toward my side as I eagerly get dressed and hop into bed with her. I pull back the sheets and turn off the lights.

“No funny business,” she says to the dark.

I smile, laying with my hands behind my head.

“Wouldn’t even dream of it, princess.”

I’m lying. I will most definitely be dreaming about this goddess laying next to me.

Chapter Fourteen


It’s been a couple of days, and I’m realizing Nico isn’t anything like I’d thought he’d be. I heard about the Delucci’s growing up; they were as ruthless as they come. No one was safe if you got in the way of their business. Which is why I’m skeptical of their help.

Bash told me at dinner what the Triad did at the docks, costing them twenty million. I can’t believe any Triads are still breathing. Nico could’ve killed me himself—or worse, let me get taken by the Triad. But he brought me here instead. Something tells me there’s more to that hard, inked exterior.

Needing to move and get my blood flowing, I opt for a walk in the back yard after breakfast. I was a little too sore to do much of anything else. Taking in the landscaping, I notice the property is quite gorgeous, spacious, and full of greenery. I’d like to explore it more, but there’s a lot of forest surrounding the area, so it doesn’t seem safe to wander off on my own. Finding a gorgeous clearing with the sun peaking through the trees, I plop myself down and take in the fresh spring smell. Birds chirp and leaves rustle. I take several deep breaths.

Am I really about to do this? Can I? Lead the Triad? Just because you don’t have a choice doesn’t mean you can’t contemplate the matter. So many questions whirl through my mind. Yes, I’m tired of being Natalie. Bored, even. Yes, I’ve been craving excitement. Although, I should’ve specified with the wish-granting genies that I was thinking something along the lines of steamy nights in Greece during Yacht Week or following some popular DJ around on their world tour. I’m not entirely sure I can be Anya. Anya is the heir. Anya has had people gunning for her since she was six years old.

Then there was my tall, dark, and handsome roommate who came barreling into my life. Nico is...thrilling, sexy, intelligent, dangerous. Nico is everything. But I can’t have him. I knew being Natalie was going to be a lonely path. I just didn’t realize being Anya was going to be an even lonelier one. But if I choose one, my new life will have more perks. At a steep price, but there’d be no more hiding and no more pretending. I can’t lie, the thought of taking my power back and having agency over my own life. The prideful part of me wants to make my siblings, and even Peter and Nina proud.

After wallowing in self pity for half an hour, I hike back up to the mansion. When I get back, Valentina is in the kitchen preparing dinner. I don’t see any signs of Cosima. I was not in the mood for a throw down with her.

“Where’s Cosima?” I ask Valentina, grabbing an apple off of the counter.

“I sent her home. She’s been in a terrible mood these last few days, I don’t know what’s going on in that girl’s head!” she responds, exasperated, kneading what I’m assuming is pasta dough.

I can think of one thing.

I’d really have to get back to the gym if she was cooking like this every day. I wasn’t vain, but I trained really hard to be strong. People always look at me and see a petite girl, nothing that exudes strength.

“Is there anything I can help with?” I ask her.

“Oh, no. You relax, Miss Anya.”

Anya. That is going to take some getting used to.
