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“No,” I breathe.

He smiles against my mouth as our lips devour each other. He moves his hands beneath my ass and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us into the bedroom.

He tosses me onto the bed as if I weigh nothing. I lay back on my elbows as he stands over me, lust glazing over his eyes. He climbs on top of me. I’m already wet with anticipation. He grabs my waist, pulls higher on the bed, and settles his hips between my legs. His erection pushes against my core.

I moan at the sensation. He works his way up my jaw to my earlobe, biting it, then working more kisses down my neck.

“Clearly, I haven’t made it obvious enough how much I want to keep you. I better rectify that as soon as possible,” he says before smacking my ass.

I let out a yelp, and he kisses me so passionately and so painfully I know he’s going to leave my lips bruised. Though we haven’t said the words, we make love to each other for the first time tonight.

Oh my God,I’m in love with Nico.


Cesare and Dominic are the last to arrive. We’re all lined up outside to greet Cesare’s arrival as a sign of solidarity and respect. Everyone’s tense but pretending they aren’t. It’s not unusual for meetings like this to turn into a bloodbath after a surprise attack. I doubted this was the case with Anya being in our custody and the Outfit being involved, but you really never know.

Anya’s standing two feet from me, and I don’t like it at all. I know she’s keeping space between us on purpose. Enzo uses this opportunity to stand next to me and Dante on his other side, so he’s now next to Anya.Fucker.I know he has a crush on her.Bash is to my right, and our parents are to his.

Uncle Ricky and the rest of the men are strategically placed around us. The Outfit soldiers that arrived earlier stand behind us on the steps waiting for their capo. In our world, you only face your back to people you either trust or don’t see as a threat. In this case, it’s both. It’s a sign of peace but also an insult at the same time. I can tell Bash has the same thoughts as he turns his head briefly and nods.

Three black SUVs with tinted windows drive up. Everyone’s shoulders straighten. I hear Anya take a deep breath. I hate not being able to see her. I hear Dante whisper something to her, and she giggles.Bastard.I’ll have to kick his ass later.

Three men get out of the first vehicle. I recognize one to be the asshole, Matteo. His gaze falls directly on Anya, his eyes locked on hers, like a lion who just found his next meal. I fantasize about shooting him right between the eyes. I can’t see her to gauge her reaction.Fuck.The dark-haired one, I know to be Franco, one of Dom’s closest friends and their best hacker. He didn’t know it was me at the time, but I’d gotten through most of their firewalls when I was collecting information on their family. The last one, I recognize, but I had forgotten his name. He’s the shortest of the group, with brown hair and a lip ring.

The door to the second vehicle opens, and Dominic Violante struts out of the car in sunglasses, like he’s about to walk the red carpet. He looks around and smiles when he spots Anya, giving her a once-over, making sure she’s unharmed, no doubt. He looks at my brother and nods, then at my parents as a sign of respect.

Cesare Violante steps out in all his gigantic glory. That bastard was even bigger in person. He’s at least six-foot-six, and I don’t doubt he has to turn sideways when walking through the doorway. A bright smile on his face.

“A welcome committee,” he says with his arms open, palms in the air gesture. “How kind of you.”

Dominic and their men move to stand by their capo. I see a small figure with dark hair sprint out, and I instinctively move to follow her. Bash and Enzo pull me back by each arm. Anya throws herself into Cesare’s arms as he embraces her in a hug. He laughs, watching me from over her shoulder as he holds her while Dominic and the men are now staring daggers into me. Everyone’s now watching me. They all saw what I just did.

Dominic breaks his gaze to turn back toward his sister. He picks her up and spins her around, kissing her on both cheeks. I don’t care if he’s her brother. I don’t like his hands on her.

As if Bash can read my mind, he steps forward. We follow to greet Cesare and his men. I maneuver, so I’m behind Anya now and as Dominic sets her down. The nameless lip-ring guy and Franco nod at her, but Matteo stalks forward with his arms out as if he’s going to give her a hug. I don’t give a fuck. I reach for her and pull her back to me, giving him a warning with my eyes. She turns to me, eyes wide as she stares up at me. He’s surprised but recovers quickly, smirking. Cesare and Dominic look over at me. Cesare curious, Dominic less than thrilled.Well,they’re going to find out sooner or later.

Bash interrupts before things can escalate further.

“Cesare, pleasure to meet you.” He shakes Cesare’s hand, holding my brother’s hand in both of his.

“Pleasure’s all mine. Thank you for having us at your home. I know it’s not ideal to reveal the location of one of your safe houses,” Cesare replies as he shakes Enzo’s hand, then mine.

“Cesare!” My father steps up, and they kiss each other on both cheeks.

Anya tries to get out of my grip on her arm.Oh, no you don’t. I just hold on tighter.

“Giuseppe, it’s been too long, my friend!” Cesare returns the warmth.

This is going better than planned.

“Marcella, a vision as always.” Cesare kisses my mother’s hand, then introduces the three gentlemen.

“Matteo, Tony, Franco,” he says, pointing to each of them.

They nod. Matteo still has that smirk on his face.

We all take turns shaking hands with one another. When Matteo reaches out, I make sure to grip his hand just a little harder. He had the same idea.
