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My mother and father are seated, while Valentina and a very pissed off Cosima stand in the back. I’d rather not have them here, especially Cosima, but I needed someone to help Anya get ready and bring lunch over, and I didn’t want to invite any more people onto the property that didn’t need to be here.

Bash, Enzo, and Dante stand by my side.

A vision in white appears at the end of the aisle. She locks eyes with mine immediately and smiles. My vision’s blurry, but I bring my hand up to cough and rub my eyes, recovering quickly.

“Saw that,” Bash whispers.

“Shut the fuck up,” I reply back, smiling.

She walks down in a simple strapless, white lace gown that hugs her waist and hips too perfectly. The bustier of the dress makes her tits pop up to her eyeballs. I have to think about kittens dying to prevent a hard-on. No veil. Simple and elegant. Fuck, she is beautiful.

As she makes her way to me, I can see she’s looking around. She doesn’t miss that I left Cesare and Dominic out on purpose, but she keeps a smile on her face. It only falters for a second. I’m a goddamn bastard. When she gets to me, my mother stands to take her bouquet, kisses her cheeks, and I take her hands into mine. I don’t even hear what the priest says. I’m eager to make her mine, so I listen for when it’s time for us to say our vows.

Bash pulls out our wedding bands and hands them over to me.

“Do you, Niccolo Amadeo Delucci, take Anya Meilin Liu to be your lawful wedded wife? To be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? To love and honor her for all the days of your life?” the officiant asks.

“I do,” I say firmly as she slips on my ring.

“Do you, Anya Meilin Liu, take Niccolo Amadeo Delucci to be your lawful wedded husband? To be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? To love and honor him for all the days of your life?”

“I do!” she exclaims, bouncing on her toes as I slip on her wedding band.

“By the power vested in me, by the state ofNew York, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now ki—”

I know what to do. I grab mywifeand dip her back and take her mouth with mine. She tries to pull away, not liking the audience, but I don’t care. That only makes me deepen the kiss more. She lets out a moan. When I let her go, she’s flushed, and I can’t help but laugh. You’d never guess she could kill grown men three times her size.

The family joins in to congratulate us. We sign the documents before we leave, and that’s it. She’s officially my wife.Mine.

I had a car waiting for us not wanting her to walk back to the mansion in her dress and heels. I’m not a total bastard after all. We drive back in silence as I look over at her sitting in the passenger seat. She’s biting the inner corner of her mouth. I notice she does that when she’s overthinking.

“Everything okay, Mrs. Delucci?” I ask proudly.

“Liu-Delucci,” she corrects me quickly, catching me off guard.

Call me old-fashioned, but I never considered she might want to hyphenate her name.

“And yes...I just wish Cesare was able to walk me down the aisle. Donna and Dom should’ve been there, too,” she says with a shrug, trying to conceal her sadness.

“I’m fucking selfish, Anya. I know they should be here, but I didn’t want anyone trying to stop us or cause a scene. I wanted today to just be about you and me, no drama.”

“You’re not selfish, Nico. I understand why you went about it this way. And I agreed to it. I don’t have any regrets. I just feel like I betrayed them.”

I grab her hand and kiss her wrist. “You didn’t betray them. And you will get your wedding, I promise.”

“I don’t need a big wedding, Nico. This is enough for me,” she says earnestly.

“No, you deserve more than just enough. You’re going to be a queen. And you deserve to have the memory of Cesare walking you down the aisle.”

“I love you,” she replies.

As we pull up to the front of the mansion, Dominic is outside, face red, chest puffed. Tony tries and fails to hold him back. This dude was a ticking time bomb with his damn temper. Dominic pushes Tony off and approaches the car as I pull up.

“So much for no drama,” Anya says to me with a small smile on her face.

I don’t even get the chance to open the door for my wife. As I get out of the driver’s side. Anya’s door is pried open by a very furious Dominic. He yanks her out of the car by the arm, and I’m on him in a heartbeat.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Anya? What the hell is wrong with you?” he screams at the top of his lungs in her face.
