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Over the next few hours, we go over every single detail several times to make sure everyone is on the same page and no mistakes will happen. We can’t let anything slip through the cracks. Soldiers will take our armed vehicles and weapons and start their drive tonight while Dante, Franco, Tony, my brothers, Anya, Dominic, and I lay low. We’ll take the jet the following morning. Matteo had been sent back to Chicago, thank fuck. Can’t do much with his hand, being injured and all.

The men are dismissed and take their leave. Anya, Dominic, and I stay back while Bash pours us all a glass of whiskey as we gather around Bash’s desk.

Once the room is empty, Anya stands, planting her hands on her hips, shooting daggers into both me and Dominic. How am I suddenly in the dog house and with this asshole?

“Don’t you guys ever do anything like that again.” She starts pointing at each of us. “I don’t need either of you making choices for me or declaring you’re some knights in shining fucking armor, especially in front of an audience! If I’m going to be the boss of the Triad, I expect to be treated and spoken to as such. Do not insult me.”

If we were actually dogs, our ears would be sagging. Feeling like we both just got sent to the principal’s office, Dom and I share a glance at each other, then nod to her in silence, knowing better than to say anything.

“Good,” she says with a sigh as she grabs a glass. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, it’s not too late for you guys to change your minds.”

“What are you talking about?” I question.

“There’s a chance the fight won’t be over, even with Andrew dead,” she replies and takes a sip.

“You are family now, and we don’t back down from anyone,” Bash says, raising his glass.

“You’ve always been my family, sorellina. I’m not risking anything happening to you,” Dominic follows up quickly, raising his glass as well.

Anya rolls her eyes.

Chapter Twenty-Nine



“That’s all you got?” Dominic says with a cocky smile on his face, bouncing from foot to foot.

We’re sparring in the gym as to not get injured before we leave tomorrow, just enough exercise to release some of the tension we’ve all been feeling about our plans. Not to mention it feels good to knock Dominic around a bit, even though I have to hold back.

I’m having a hard time focusing because Anya’s in the corner, on the stairs, in those fucking tiny shorts I love so much but currently hate because she’s wearing them for the whole goddamn world to see. Dominic lands a good fist into my face, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Stop staring at my sister, you pervert. You’re making it too easy to kick your ass,” he says, still smirking.

I look back at him and narrow my eyes.Bring it on.I charge at him and punch him repeatedly. He’s able to dodge a few. The guy’s actually a good fighter. He lands a kick to my ribs, but I duck from his next swing, and I’m able to turn and swing my leg up, connecting my foot with his face. He stumbles back. Blood is coming out of his mouth now, but he’s still smiling. Anya is now looking at us slightly amused and nervous.

Dominic charges at me and lands a series of punches. He’s fast, switching between my head and my torso. I’m able to block his hits. He’d be a serious contender if we ever had to fight seriously.

“Care to make a bet?” I ask, still in my fighter’s stance, my hands blocking my face.

“What you thinkin’?” he asks, mirroring my stance.

“Best two out of three. Franco and Dante judge, so there’s no favoritism,” I say back.

“All right, and what are we betting on?”

“If I win, I get your Ferrari.”

“Fine.” Dominic agrees. “But if I win, Anya divorces your sorry ass.”

I laugh. “Not a chance, asshole.”

He chuckles. “Okay, okay, fine. If I win, we get full access to your New Jersey shipping docks.”

“Deal.” I stick my hand out to shake his.
