Page 105 of The Fall of a Promise

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“I’m going to get us more drinks. You girls don’t encourage him,” Val giggles as she saunters off.

“I’m so happy for you. Bo.” I pull him into a hug. “You put your life on hold for a long time. You deserve to have it all. My dad would want this, too.”

“It was an honor, xiao lóng. I would do it all again.”

“Well, just know that I owe you.”

He chuckles. “Well, since you brought it up. You think you and Cosima can set aside your differences and get along long enough to have dinner with us as a family occasionally?”

That earns a snort from the girls. Liling is the only one decent enough to try to hide it with a cough. Pria just looks confused but smiles along.

“I’m not the one with a problem, Bo.”

“I know, I know.” He throws his hands in the air and feigns innocence. “But it will make Val happy.”

“You know I will do what I can, but she has to do her part, too.”

“That is all I ask,” he says before leaving to find Val.

“Do you think it’ll happen?” Maya asks, having heard everything.

“What, Cosima? Yeah, I think she’ll come around.”

I genuinely hope Cosima can put her feelings aside for her mother. She might not like me, but I never sensed that she was truly cruel, and it’s obvious she loves her mother.

Just as Bo excuses himself to go find Val, Grayson appears with two drinks. He places one in front of Lil and sits next to her.

“This... is crazy. Never thought I’d see the day I’d be hanging out in Giuseppe Delucci’s back yard.” Grayson laughs.

“You and me both,” I chuckle. “You excited to be home for a bit?”

“Yeah.” He smiles at Lil, who blushes a deep shade of scarlet. “It’s nice to sleep in my own bed, but I need to stop dragging my feet and get a new place.” He chugs his beer.

“Well, you do own an entire apartment building now,” Lil says, rolling her eyes as she chuckles, moving to stand. “Excuse me, I have to use the ladies’ room.”

“I’ll drink to that,” he says, before turning to me. “You leave tomorrow, right?”

“Yes. Since you’re back, do you think you guys can hold down the fort while I’m gone?”

“Oh, yeah. The boys and I are pumped.” He chuckles.

“Why do I feel like you guys are planning a house party while Mom and Dad are gone?”

Kai and Tao welcomed Grayson after things cooled down and started working with him. Kai was promoted to captain of the New York territory, being the money man, and Tao was promoted to head enforcer at an official capacity. Grayson will work as an enforcer under Tao.

“What? Afraid you’ll miss out?” He grins.

“What’s going on with you and Liling?” Donna pipes up, switching gears.

He smiles like he’s in a daze.

“Don’t screw this up. I really don’t want to have to pick sides.”

“You have my word.” Something behind me grabs his attention. “Have a good night, sis.” He tips his glass to mine.

Strong arms wrap around my waist, and I’m enveloped in the deep ocean and mahogany scent.

“I’m tired of sharing you. Let’s go home.”
