Page 104 of The Fall of a Promise

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“I’m so excited. Maya offered to show me around the campus when it gets closer. You should join.” Her eyes widen, and she immediately blushes.

Likely something Caishen instilled in her, she always shrinks back when she catches herself being too informal. He had her for two weeks before we were rescued, and I know as well as anyone it was two weeks too long.

“I might take you up on that.” I nod. “I miss campus, and I’d kill for—”

“A gyro from that food truck. With extra tzatziki,” Maya and I say dreamily at the same time.

“Gyro truck?” Pria’s eyes widen in delight.

“If you could even call it that.” Maya laughs. “The cutest family owns it, and it’s so run down it doesn’t even have a name, but they set up near campus and there’s always a line. Best kept secret for sure.”

“All right, enough about that before you make me crave it more.” I laugh.

“Are you ready for your honeymoon?” Donna exclaims.

“You have no idea.”

Nico and I are finally leaving tomorrow. We’ll be spending three weeks in Italy, France, Thailand, and Singapore.

“You deserve this time off.” Pria places her palm on my arm.

“Maybe you’ll finally make one of those grandbabies Marcella keeps begging for,” Maya taunts.

“Oh, no. Nico and I have had in-depth discussions. We just aren’t ready.”

“Really? I figured he’d want to knock you up ASAP.” Donna laughs.

“We’re excited for when the time comes, but I think, with everything that happened with Dot”—we all wince—“it sobered him up a bit. Both of us. Plus, we’re not ready to give up uninterrupted sex just yet. His words, not mine.”

“Ugh, I have the worst fucking timing.”

Dom’s large frame shudders as he approaches us.

Ever since he recovered from last year’s accident, he’s been spending more time at the gym. He’s almost as big as Papa now.

“No one was talking to you!” Donna shouts gleefully, the only other person besides me who’d get away with speaking to the future Outfit capo like that.

“Marriage looks good on you, sorellina.” He kisses the top of my head. “It’s too bad. I really wanna kill the asshole.”

I just laugh as he saunters off, no doubt trying to escape the topic of conversation. Dom and Nico like each other more than they let on.

Bo approaches with a glowing Val on his arm. They’d finally made things public.

“Maybe you can convince her,” he says to me before Val smacks his chest.

“Oh, stop, you big brute!”

“Maybe, I can do what?” I chuckle.

“I was just telling Val how happy you and Nico are and that we should get married.”

“It’s too soon, Bo!”

“At this age, I don’t have time to waste. I know what I want,” he tells her, pulling her closer.

“I have to agree, Val. Life’s too short!” Maya chimes in, earning her a fist bump from Bo. “I mean, look at these muscles.” She squeezes his biceps.

Bo is a very attractive man, not just for fifty-five, but in general. Even I can admit that.
