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“Don’t be silly. She’ll be on all the front pages tomorrow,” her friend taunts.

“Shut it, Naomi,” she whispers through gritted teeth.

“Look, Soph, as your oldest friend, I’m telling you to let this go.”

“What does he see in her, anyway?”

“Girl, you’ve known Nico for years. If it was going to happen, it would’ve happened.”

“Never say never. They haven’t spoken all night, didn’t you notice?”

“You’re insane.” Naomi laughs. “Just because they aren’t stuck together like glue doesn’t mean something is wrong.”

“Well, she’s not one of us.”


“She owns a pharmaceutical corporation. Her family makes armed vehicles for the government, and she’s funding cancer research programs in the name of her late mother.”

“I slipped him a note to meet me on the balcony of the eighth floor in five minutes. I paid a guard to keep the door unlocked,” she says, ignoring her friend again as she applies her lipstick.

“And he agreed to meet with you?” Naomi asks skeptically.

“Well, he didn’t say no, but he took the note,” she says with a mischievous smile. “Looks like the littlefiancéecan’t keep her man happy.”

“You mean hiswife? You’ve heard the rumors.”

“A marriage is just a certificate. You’ve met my father.”

“And you want to be one ofthosewomen?” Naomi raises a brow.

“Mother has learned to live with it, and now, so will she. Wish me luck,” Sophia sing-songs before exiting the restroom.

Her friend enters the stall, and I use that opportunity to wash my hands and leave, unconcerned if she spots me.

Sophia’s nowhere in sight, no doubt on her way up to the eighth floor. I find the elevators and dash to make my way inside.

I trust Nico. But the nerve of this snake to slip a married man—myman—a note, thinking she’s going to pull a fast one on me. It’s a simple explanatory research method.

Cause: Fuck around.

Effect: Find out.

As I move through the hall, I’m assuming the balcony is facing the back of the building, since that’s where the water and view is. As I turn the corner, I see a large set of glass doors and the back of a blonde bimbo.Bingo.

Approaching the doors, I notice she doesn’t turn around. She straightens her back as I follow her like a cheetah on the prowl, careful not to click my heels on the tile. I give myself away only once I open the doors.

“I’m so glad you came,” she says in a breathy, seductive voice.

I force myself not to gag.

When I don’t respond, she turns. “You have no idea how—” She startles, eyes wide, before quickly recovering as if she isn’t fazed.

“Did you really think you’d find my husband here?” I ask her calmly, my heels clicking as I stalk my prey.

She snorts.

“Listen, honey.” She straightens her shoulders and saunters over to me. She’s tall and towers over me, giving her a false sense of security. “You’re a cute girl. But these New York families are very old and very powerful. We have”—she gives me a once-over from head to toe—“standards. You can’t just come out of nowhere and start breaking customs. They’re in place for a reason. Nico is—”
