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Ignoring his offer, I ask, “How longhaveyou known about me?”

“Technically, I’ve always known about you. But if you’re asking when I found out you were alive, it was last summer when that Page Six article came out.”

“What took you so long to reach out? Why now?”

He doesn’t answer right away, taking a breath before he opens his mouth.

“I think I was in a state of shock and disbelief. I need to make sure it was really you. I kept tabs on you. Saw you with Bo, out with your fiancé and friends. I wasn’t sure how much you knew about Dad and...”

The Triad.

“What exactly do you want from this?” I ask.

He ponders his response. “Dad was on top of the world when he found out your mom was pregnant with you. He came to visit me one day to tell me that I was going to be a big brother. He always made sure I never felt left out.”

Grayson keeps his eyes glued to the floor. I’m unsure if I’m supposed to feel better that my father didn’t abandon him. I mean, sure, it’s great, but I know what it’s like to be an outsider. There is no amount of weekly visits that can make you feel included.

Jealousy warms me, as I am reminded that Grayson was allowed memories of my father—when I was robbed of them. We’ve both suffered great losses.

Grayson hesitates before he speaks.

“You know he had a half-brother, too, right?”

“Ian. Bo mentioned him briefly. Peter killed him.”

“That’s one way to put it. Dad’s father was a vile man. He was so power hungry to make a name for himself he was blinded by it. He refused to acknowledge the bastard and kept them apart. Dad didn’t even know about him until Ian showed up one day.”

He pauses to look at me, but I don’t push him. He looks as if he’s struggling to get the next words out, and I just know I’m not going to like what he has to say.

“He attacked your mom.”

The worst came to mind.

“Are you saying he . . .”

“I honestly don’t know.” He shakes his head. “I wasn’t supposed to be eavesdropping. I just know she was injured badly and Peter locked Ian up. I do remember them saying Dad tortured him within an inch of his life. Gave him time to heal only to start over again.

“This went on for weeks, maybe even months. He drove him to the brink of insanity. Always left a rope in the room with Ian. In the end, Peter got what he wanted, and Ian took his own life.”

My father was known for his psychological warfare. It doesn’t surprise me that he not only stripped this man of hope but his will to live.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because Dad used to tell me it was up to me to protect you, especially when he found out that you were a girl.” I roll my eyes, causing Grayson to smile. “I only held you a few times after you were born, but I didn’t care. You were—aremy sister. I know we’re not going to bond overnight, but I promised Dad I’d look after you, and I don’t break promises. I failed you before. I won’t let that happen again. I think, in a way, he was preparing us for the future. So we wouldn’t turn on one another someday.”

Could this be true, or is he just telling me what I want to hear?

Without another word, I reach into my gym bag and hand over two envelopes. One for the tea ceremony and one for the wedding. He eyes them skeptically before taking them from me.

“We have a lot to discuss.”

I don’t wait for an answer as I grab my gym bag and head out.

* * *

“My daughter, you are a sight to behold!” Cesare exclaims from behind me. My heart swells, as I never thought a moment like this would ever happen for me.

“Thank you, Papa.” I pull him to me, kissing both of his cheeks as he returns the gesture.
