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“I want to thank you for taking me in. Keeping me safe. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. “I know I was neveryourNatalie, but she saved my life.”

Nora’s eyes water as Jet struggles as well, pulling her to his side.

When I came back and reclaimed my identity, I made it a goal to honor Natalie the way she always deserved. I secured a headstone and made donations in her name to the hospital and Central Park Conservancy fund for a bench. I know Jet and Nora frequent that park a lot, so I wanted to make it meaningful.

Nora steps up and takes my hands into hers. “You were always a good child. I’m sorry we weren’t emotionally available to you. But we’ve always been so proud of you.”

Pressure builds in my chest.

Nico rubs circles on my back.

“We are grateful that Cesare was able to help us during a difficult time. I think taking you in healed us. I’m just sorry it’s taken us so long.”

“It’s all good, guys,” I tell them as I pull them both into another embrace.

The couple turns to join the party as Nico whirls to me.

“Are you okay?” He leans down to kiss my nose.

“I should be asking you that. I feel like we’re just standing out here waiting for someone to start picking us off.”

“Don’t worry, we’re covered. We have guards at any vantage point a sniper would need access to. Same for tomorrow,” he reassures me, making me feel only slightly better.

* * *

After saying our goodbyes to everyone, I head straight for my office, where Grayson is waiting. When I enter the room, I go straight for the safe in the corner of the room and retrieve a folder.

“Thank you for staying after,” I tell him as I move to sit on the opposite couch.

“It’s not a problem. I’m glad to have been invited with such short notice.” He rests his elbows on his knees.

“I thought about what you said the other night. I know I can’t change the past, but I want to make it right. I’m not sure what that means, but I hope we can figure it out together.”

“I agree.” He nods. When I don’t respond, he continues. “Look, Dad really wanted us to get along. Trust needs to be built and earned. Why don’t we leave it at that for now.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I say, wondering how the rest of the Triad will react to knowing he’s alive. How many of them remember him? How many of them will choose him?

“I’m not going to lie. This all seems so surreal.” He pauses. “The fact that we’ve both been in New York and a short subway ride apart for years. The Triad.” He stalls. This is the first time he’s said it out loud. “After you were born, I imagined a life where we grew up without our parents’ drama interfering. I’d work my way up in the Triad and we’d be a team. When I discovered you were alive, I just wanted my family back.”

“Are you saying you want in?”

“I want to get to know my sister first. But the Triad has always been a part of me.”

“It’s a part of us both,” I reply before placing folders in front of him.

I had already been planning on doing this, but our last few conversations confirmed that I was doing the right thing.

“What is this?” He hesitates before he opens the folders.

It takes him a minute before he looks up at me in shock.

“It’s for you.”

His brow raises. “Is this some sort of joke?”

“No, Grayson. It’s rightfully yours.” He raises his eyebrow.

“I told you I didn’t care for your money. Is this a bribe?”
