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“What is she even going to do with it?” Forrest asks, voicing the very question I’d had when Gabe had first proposed the project. He’s staring at Gabe’s creation.

Gabe eyes us as if we lack any appreciation of culture. “She’ll put it in her place and fill it up,” he replies.

I smother a smirk as Forrest grins openly.

“What?” Gabe challenges. “You don’t think she’ll like it?”

“I don’t think she’ll have any use for it,” Forrest explains.

Gabe throws up his hand in exasperation. “This would have been good information to know before I put it together!”

Forrest gives him a pitying look. “You were pretty dedicated to the cause.”

“I didn’t hear you two throwing out other suggestions.”

“I suggested we go for a swim,” I piped in.

Gabe groans but waves his hand dismissively. “I think you’re wrong. I think she’ll love it.”

He sets his plate down and stands, me behind him. “I’ll help you stain it,” I promise, ignoring his sullenness. “And I’m sure you’re right—she’ll love it.”

Casting me a begrudgingly grateful look, he throws a brush at me, and we begin to make long, even strokes over the wood. Forrest finishes cleaning up at the barbecue and joins us, the three of us completing the first coat just as the sun sets fully behind the trees.

“Shit. We’re losing daylight,” Gabe states, but I barely hear him, the sound of a vehicle approaching catching my attention.

I whip around and head toward the driveway, Gabe and Forrest seconds behind me.

“She’s back!”

All three of us hurry toward the gate as it swings inward with the motion key in the driver’s visor. I open the door for Stella, not waiting for the driver to let her out.

“This is quite a greeting,” she laughs, peering at us from inside the Hummer. “Did you miss me?”

I step back to let her out, and the others flock around her, firing questions out at her.

“How did it go?”

“What happened?”

“What took so long?”

“Why didn’t you text us?”

Chuckling, Stella holds up a hand and exhales as if she’s been holding onto a breath for hours. “Damn, is it ever nice to be back here. Give me one second to enjoy this.”

“We made you a present,” Gabe blurts out, and I roll my eyes.

He’s an overgrown kid,but I can’t help but be amused by his enthusiasm.

“Youmademe a present?” she repeats, following him across the shadowy yard as I close the car door.

Gabe gestures toward the newly varnished contraption. Blinking, Stella stares at it uncomprehendingly.

“Don’t touch it; it’s still wet,” Gabe explains.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmurs slowly. “What is it?”

I guffaw before I can stop myself, and Forrest snorts aloud.
