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Guilt crosses her face, and I amble back toward her, reaching for her hands. “This is new to me, too,” I say gently. “And we’re learning how to be together under the craziest circumstances imaginable. But that doesn’t change the fact that if we want to make this work, we’ll have to stick together.” She bobs her head, swallowing visibly as I open the door and call out. “Are you guys in here?”

“Forrest is in his room,” Stella volunteers. “I’ll go get Gabe.”

I continue dressing as she leaves me to ponder the dilemma we’re facing. I should have known better than to get involved with this. I could have funded the charity with my own moneyand found a different way to get publicity. I’m firing my publicist as soon as I get home. But on the other hand, I would have never met Stella if I hadn’t come. Still, I will never step foot near show business again. This left a foul taste in my mouth. We can’t get out of here fast enough.

Predictably, Gabriel has a hot-headed response to the threat while Forrest fumes. It takes almost an hour of talking amongst us to calm everyone down and make a plan of action.

“The Hummer won’t take us anywhere without the studio orders,” Stella says when Forrest suggests we head back into LA to confront the producers.

Gabe waves a dismissive hand in the air. “All three of us have access to drivers and private jets. It’s not like we can’t leave if we want to.”

“Okay, that problem is solved.” Stella bites her nails out of nervousness. “But who’s to say they won’t just release the videos out of spite?”

“My lawyers,” I say calmly. “I’ve already got the ball rolling with a lawsuit.”

All eyes are on me.

“What?” Stella sputters. “How did you manage to do that so fast?”

“I should have thought of that,” Gabriel grunts in annoyance. “In fact, I’ll call mine, too.”

“That’s a good idea,” I concede. “Forrest, you should call yours, too.”

He’s already texting as I say it.

“But how are you going to sue them?” Stella moans. “We signed a contract giving them permission to film us.”

“Film us, yes, but I have a strict contract about what can and can’t be aired. I assume that Forrest and Gabe have the same type of contract. What Anya insinuated is something that can definitely not be aired. This is no different from revenge porn, and you have literally been blackmailed. My attorney believes we have a solid case?—”

My phone rings, making me lose my train of thought. Even before I can answer the call, Stella’s phone rings, too.

“Looks like Anya already got the message,” I chuckle, answering the call. “Bennet Huxley.” In my ear, a shrill, irate voice curses me out, and I wait calmly to get a word in edgewise. “Anya, if you’re going to be abusive, I’ll hang up. In fact, I don’t think we should communicate without lawyers, anyway. I’ll have my attorney contact you.” I disconnect the call and wait as Stella remains holding her ringing phone. “I wouldn’t answer it,” I agree. “Save any messages they leave you.”

“Is this going to solve the problem, or just make it worse?” she breathes. “I mean, whatever footage they have…”

“They’re on notice now,” I say, confident in my stance. “I’m not concerned about them doing anything retaliatory, because it will be clear what they’re up to, and public opinion will be against them.”

“He’s right!” Forrest agrees, nodding enthusiastically. “This could spell disaster for the studio’s reputation. If they decide to air any damaging footage, they’re going to lose their asses.”

“They pander to the audience,” Stella mumbles.

“What’s that?” Gabe asks.

“It’s something Anya said to me at the meeting this morning. She called me a little girl and said I don’t understand how show business works. But she’s right. I am in way over my head.”

Stella sinks onto my bed as Gabe sits beside her, dropping his hand to her knee. “You got caught up with the wrong company.”

“I agree,” Forrest adds. “I’ve never seen such a shitshow. Rest assured, I’ll never work with Anchor Studios again, and I’ll make sure to spread the word.” He pauses, his face deep in thought. “Something isn’t right about Anya,” he finally says. “Why is she so hellbent on making this so difficult? I’ve never experienced anything like this. There has to be a reason.”

“Regardless of her reason, I’m done,” Stella whispers. “That’s it for me. I’ll never get another acting gig anywhere. My hopes of ever taking care of my mom, of ending our money issues…” She can’t finish her sentence, the words choking her up.

“Don’t say that,” Forrest growls, climbing onto the bed behind her, his hands falling on her shoulders. “You can’t be discouraged by this. You’ll bounce back, I promise.”

“And you’ll never have to worry about money,” Gabe promises as we agree, but I am not convinced that this is over.

“This isn’t done yet,” I pipe in. “I mean… there’s still one excellent way we could make this series a blockbuster.”

“Reality TV can’t be a blockbuster,” Forrest corrects me, and I shoot him a withering glare. “I’m just saying,” he says, holding up his hands. “Movies can be blockbusters?—”
